Chapter 14: Our Beautiful Reality

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"Blossom, are you ready?" Jungkook softly asks his mate as they stand at the entrance of the Pack Alpha's mansion while he holds Hoseok on his hip.

"I am." Taehyung hums and nods his head.

"Do not worry. I will do everything that I can to make sure that you go home with Jeon Hoseok today." Attorney Cho gently tells the nervous family.

"Thank you." Jungkook smiles as he kisses Hoseok's cheek.

When they walk into the Pack Alpha's mansion, Jungkook is surprised to see his ex-girlfriend waiting for them.

"I was surprised when my mother told me who would be here today." The future Pack Alpha mutters as she looks at Jungkook. "Don't worry. Our past will not affect my mother's judgment today."

"Thank you." Jungkook politely bows his head as he tightens his hold around Hoseok.

"Congratulations on finding your mate. He is rather lovely." She smiles as she looks at the beautiful omega.

Taehyung blushes as he hides his face against Jungkook's arm which earns him an endearing smile from his mate.

"If you will follow me, I will lead you to my mother's office." The future Pack Alpha tells the nervous family.

"Okay," Jungkook mutters and wraps his arm around his mate's waist.

When they reach the Pack Alpha's office, Jungkook takes a deep breath and tightens his hold on his mate. As the young family walks into her office, the Pack Alpha watches Jungkook with a scrutinizing gaze. She has always wondered how the young alpha has been. She has seen him at many events, but he has always kept his distance from her and her daughter.

"We will begin once the defendants have arrived." The Pack Alpha tells them once they are standing in front of her.

"Yes, Pack Alpha." Attorney Cho politely bows her head to the Pack Alpha.

After a few minutes, Taehyung's and Hoseok's parents enter the large office with their scents blazing. Hoseok whimpers in fear and snuggles closer to Jungkook when he smells his parents. "No. No hurt me." He quietly whimpers as he desperately noses Jungkook's scent gland.

"I will never let them hurt you." Jungkook softly whispers to his pup, who is trying hard to be brave.

The Pack Alpha notices how distressed the young alpha pup becomes when he smells the scent of his parents. Then, she notices how pale Jungkook's mate becomes.

"Dampen your scents this instant." The Pack Alpha snarls at Taehyung's parents.

"My apologies, Pack Alpha." Taehyung's mother calmly responds and politely bows her head. "We have been in distress. We did not realize how strong our scents were."

"It's okay, Sunshine. Everything is okay." Jungkook whispers to Hoseok, who is whimpering in fear.

Jungkook desperately protects his mate and pup from their abusive parents. When he hears his mate's whimper, he pulls Taehyung to his chest and releases more of his scent. He feels tears welling up in his eyes as his mate and pup are filled with fear.

"I am here. Everything is okay. I promise." Jungkook barely whispers as he fights his tears.

"I am utterly disgusted." The Pack Alpha snarls as she goes over the evidence that has been given to her. "You abandoned your teenage son because he is an omega. From his reaction, I know that you abused him before abandoning him. Your alpha pup is trembling in fear from your scents. No child should be afraid of the people who are supposed to love and protect them."

"Pack Alpha, this young alpha has clearly been feeding my children lies. I do not understand why my children are afraid. All that I can think of is that this alpha has manipulated them!" Taehyung's mother's raised voice causes Taehyung and Hoseok to flinch in fear.

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