Chapter 88: As If By Magic

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As Taehyung sits in the interview, he watches his proxy and debates whether he should let his proxy know who he is. He is shy and reserved. I like that. I need to see how he will react to Jungkook because they will be going to interviews and events together as author and actor. I will go as Jungkook's mate, but Kim Myungsoo will interact with Jungkook a lot.

"No one but the director, Jeon Taehyung, my secretary, and I know who Vante is. Whenever you are in public with any of us, you will act as Vante even though we know who Vante really is." Namjoon tells the omega in front of him.

"I can do that," Myungsoo responds with a smile.

"Before interviews, I will give you the answers to the questions that will be asked in the interviews. If an interviewer asks you something that you do not know the answer to, just avoid it." Namjoon explains as he hands Myungsoo a folder with some already prepared details about Vante.

"Hyung, will you come to the interview? I want to make sure you two can get along well." Taehyung asks his mate once he has determined that he likes the omega.

"Coming," Jungkook responds and quickly walks toward the elevator.

When Jungkook walks into the room, Myungsoo's jaw drops in surprise, and he quickly stands up and bows.

"Ah, Jungkook, this is Vante." Namjoon tells Jungkook as he motions to Myungsoo.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Jungkook smiles and sticks his hand out to shake the shocked omega's hand.

"It is an honor to meet you as well," Myungsoo mutters and shakes Jungkook's hand.

"I apologize for barging in without an appointment. I just came to see if my mate wanted to get lunch with me later." Jungkook quickly comes up with an excuse for his sudden entrance.

"I would love to." Taehyung smiles and motions for Jungkook to sit with him.

"I am excited to be able to act out the incredible character you wrote. Your writing skills are amazing. I was drawn in so quickly." Jungkook watches the omega to test him. Myungsoo will have to take all of the praise in stride, and Jungkook knows that it feels awkward to take praise that is meant for someone else.

"Thank you. I am honored that you even considered the role." Myungsoo responds as he tries to stay calm.

"I promise that I will do my best and honor the character that you have so masterly written." Jungkook smiles as he places his hand on Taehyung's knee.

"I know that you will do a wonderful job. It is a dream that you are the one taking on the role." Myungsoo quickly answers and smiles. I hope that I am doing a convincing job. Myungsoo internally cries as he tries to rein in his nerves.

"I am satisfied." Taehyung hums and nods, startling Myungsoo because Taehyung has been silent for the entire interview except for when Jungkook entered. Taehyung is beautiful and intimidating, so Myungsoo has been nervously avoiding Taehyung's piercing gaze. "Kim Myungsoo, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am Jeon Taehyung. I am Vante." He smiles and reaches his hand out to the surprised omega.

"Oh ... Oh!" Myungsoo gasps and quickly shakes Taehyung's hand. "It is an honor to meet you!" He vigorously shakes the smiling omega's hand.

"I hope we can work well and get along well from now on." Taehyung smiles at the nervous omega. "You did a good job with answering Jungkook's questions."

"Thank you so much! I promise to do my best and not let anyone know about you!" Myungsoo quickly stands up and bows.

"Thank you. I know that we will get along well." Taehyung stands up and bows to Myungsoo, startling the omega.

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