Chapter 49: Our Pack

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When a large black wolf and a small brown wolf walk out of a room, the rest of the family looks at them and smiles. They know that this is Taehyung's first run in the heart of their pack.

"Have fun. We will watch over your pups until you return." Seokjin tells them as he kneels down to gently pet them. Both wolves nuzzle their faces against his chest before rushing out of the hanok.

When their paws touch the snow, Taehyung yips with excitement and bounces around in the snow. Jungkook fondly watches his mate bounce around and explore his wolf form. Taehyung has told his mate that he has only been in his wolf form a few times. Seeing his mate's excitement fills Jungkook's heart with overflowing warmth.

"I love this! It's so freeing!" Taehyung squeals over their link as he flops onto his back and rolls around in the snow.

"Should we go and explore the forest?" Jungkook softly asks as he walks over to his happy mate.

"Of course!" Taehyung cheers and hops up, quickly shaking the snow from his body.

As the pair of mates walk toward the forest, the omega presses his body against his mate's body as their tails swish together. The omega happily hums and snuggles his face against his mate's chest and neck. He is beyond happy to be in his primal form with his mate.

The large alpha keeps his senses heightened as he and his mate explore the forest together. Every now and then, the omega scampers off to investigate a noise he hears while his alpha slowly walks behind him, watching his omega's every move. When the omega pounces in the snow to catch a mouse, his mate walks past him and looks around. After catching the mouse, the omega yips with excitement and brings the caught mouse to his mate. He happily cocks his head to the side and swishes his tail, waiting for praise from his alpha.

"Good job, Pup." Jungkook coos as he looks at the mouse lying at his paws, earning a happy bark from his excited mate. "A bird will come and eat it."

"I didn't mean to kill it. I just wanted to play with it." Taehyung whimpers and lies down in the snow, nudging the mouse with his nose. When the mouse suddenly hops up and scampers away, Taehyung startles and snaps at it. The quick mouse zips away, successfully escaping. "Whew. It's alive."

"My sweet omega." Jungkook hums and nuzzles his snout against his mate's face.

When Jungkook starts walking again, Taehyung follows behind, playfully following in his mate's large pawprints. The omega happily yips when he sees how large his mate's paws are. Hearing his mate's excitement, the alpha pauses and turns to see what has made his mate so excited.

"Look at how big your paws are!" Taehyung shouts over their link as he wags his tail.

"You just have small paws." Jungkook chuckles and sits in front of his mate as the omega continues to stare at the difference in paw size.

As they sit in the middle of the snowy winter forest, they listen to the birds flying around and the mice scampering through the deep snow. They quietly sit in the snow together until the sun begins to set.

"We should return to prepare for Sunshine's turn," Jungkook suggests as he stands up and shakes the snow from his fur.

"Okay," Taehyung responds and happily scampers after his mate.

As they return to the hanok, they see Seokjin and Namjoon supervising as the three pups run around in the snow together. Upon their parents' return, Jimin and Hoseok squeal with excitement and run to them.

"Wow!" Hoseok gasps as he stares at his parents' wolf forms.

When Jimin stumbles in the snow, Taehyung lowers his head and catches his clumsy pup. Seeing his omega parent's wolf face, Jimin squeals and giggles with excitement, nuzzling his face against his omega parent's snout.

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