Chapter 91: Milestones

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"Over here, please! Please, look at the camera!" Taehyung stands on the red carpet with his mate as the cameras flash. He happily smiles and waves as he leans against his mate. His show was a success and was nominated for many awards, including Best Actor for Jungkook and Best Screenwriter for Vante.

As Taehyung stands with his mate for the cameras, Myungsoo is interviewed by many reporters as Vante. He answered every question fluently and with ease because he spent time memorizing everything that Taehyung wrote for him.

"What was it like to have Jeon Jungkook accept the main role?" A reporter asks Myungsoo as she holds the microphone to Myungsoo's mouth.

"It was an honor. As everyone already knows, he is an incredible actor who is dedicated to every role. For such a well-respected and rewarded actor to accept the role has been a fever dream." Myungsoo responds with a bright smile.

"What was it like working with Alpha Jeon?" Another reporter asks Myungsoo.

"It was amazing. Alpha Jeon is always respectful and professional. Working in an environment with Alpha Jeon is a true honor." Myungsoo smiles and bows to the reporters.

Across the red carpet, reporters interview Jungkook's co-star. The omega is nervous as he faces many of the reporters alone. Seeing the nervous omega, Taehyung leaves his mate's side and goes to the omega he specifically picked to play Jungkook's character's love interest. As he nears the interview, he hears a reporter ask the omega if he has a crush on Jungkook.

"What kind of rude question is that?" Taehyung scoffs as he stands next to the nervous omega. "You did not ask my mate if he had a crush on his co-star. Why would you ask Omega Ahn such a question?" Taehyung glares at the reporters at the disrespectful question.

The omega smiles with relief when Taehyung comes to his rescue. Seeing how bristled Taehyung is about the rude question, the reporters quickly scatter.

"Are you okay? Do you want to come and stand with Hyung and me?" Taehyung softly asks the nervous omega.

"I'm okay. Thank you so much." The omega quickly bows to Taehyung.

"Where is your manager? Why are you alone? Facing the cameras at such a big event alone must be terrifying." Taehyung gently pats the omega's back as he looks around for the omega's manager.

"She is babysitting my pup for me tonight. My mate is with me, though. He is over there." The omega points to his mate, who is awkwardly standing to the side. "The reporters said that he wasn't allowed on the carpet."

"What?! Seriously?!" Taehyung snaps with anger and glares at the reporters. After taking a deep breath, Taehyung smiles at the nervous beta and motions him to join his omega mate. When the beta joins them, he quickly bows to Taehyung. "You are more than welcome on this carpet. Your mate worked hard to get here." Taehyung smiles and moves away from the omega to let his mate join.

"Thank you, Omega Jeon." The beta bows again as he wraps his arm around his mate's waist.

"Come and join Hyung and me." Taehyung motions for the pair to join him and Jungkook.

"What happened?" Jungkook asks when his mate joins him.

"The reporters were mistreating Omega Ahn and his mate," Taehyung responds as his mate's arm wraps around his waist.

"Seriously?" Jungkook asks in disbelief as he glances at the reporters who were interviewing his co-star.

"Yeah. It's pretty fucked up." Taehyung sighs and then smiles for the cameras.

"Thankfully, they will be sitting at the same table as us. I made sure of it." Jungkook tells his mate before softly planting a kiss on his mate's cheek.

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