Chapter 62: Beautiful Bond

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As Jimin sits in his room with one of his classmates to work on their project, his classmate looks at all of the drawings of the beautiful omega.

"You really are full of yourself." The classmate scoffs as she looks at the drawings that mean so much to Jimin.

"What did you say?" Jimin asks in surprise as he looks at his classmate in shock.

"Seriously. Do you think you are that pretty to have so many drawings of yourself all over your room?" She rolls her eyes while Jimin grips his pencil with anger.

"If you don't know anything, shut your mouth." Jimin hisses and looks at the drawings Yoongi draws for him. If I could, I would have every single one of Yoongi hyung's drawings all over my walls.

"It's bad to be so vain. I get you come from a famous family, but seriously." She scoffs and tosses her juice at the large drawing from Yoongi's first show.

"How dare you?!" Jimin leaps across the desk and buries his fingers in his classmate's hair. "My Hyung drew them! How dare you disrespect his work!"

Taehyung quickly rushes into his youngest son's bedroom when he hears him shout. His eyes widen in shock when he sees his son yanking the hair out of his classmate's head. "My precious Hyung drew them! How dare you?!"

"Moon!" Taehyung rushes over and pulls his son off of his classmate.

"How dare you judge without knowing anything?!" Jimin shrieks as he tries to get out of his mother's firm hold. "Eomma! She threw juice at the drawing Hyung made!"

"Vain bitch!" The girl shouts and gets up from her spot.

"Stop right there. Show me your phone." Jungkook calmly mutters as he stops his son's classmate from leaving.

"Why should I do that?" She scoffs and hides her phone in her pocket.

"You are in my home. You made my son cry. That is why." Jungkook opens his hand, waiting for the phone. "Very well. Then delete the audio recording in front of me."

"What audio recording?" She asks as she takes a step back.

"Just so you know. You are not the first to pull something like this. We have security measures." Hoseok hums and points to the security camera in the corner of Jimin's room.

As the girl deletes the audio and video footage she took, Jimin sniffles and wipes the glass clean. I am glad this is framed. He is careful to make sure there is no residue on the glass.

"Do not come near my son again. I will ask the teacher to switch partners." Jungkook calmly hums and motions for her to leave his home.

"Am I really vain?" Jimin asks as he sits on the floor with the drawing in his lap.

"Why do you have the drawings?" Taehyung softly asks as he brushes his fingers through Jimin's hair.

"Because Yoongi hyung drew them. I love every drawing he gives me." Jimin mumbles and hugs the large frame in his lap.

"Is it because you like having your picture everywhere?" Taehyung continues to release soothing pheromones to comfort his son.

"No. I would want any drawing from him." Jimin softly smiles and looks at the wall with flowers and landscapes drawn by Yoongi.

"Then, you are not vain. You are in love with the artist." Taehyung chuckles and kisses the top of his son's head.

"Eomma!" Jimin gasps in shock and looks at his mother with big eyes.

"What? You are." Taehyung laughs and wraps his son in his arms. "Everyone can see it."

"Moon, it's not like you hide it well." Jungkook chuckles and sits in front of his son.

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