Chapter 80: New Semester

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"Who is performing at the spring festival?" The students quickly gather around the announcement to see who will get to perform.

As Jimin and Yoongi walk to their class, they see a large group gathering around the announcement board. "Isn't that a beta and omega pair? The omega is Jeon Jungkook's son, right?" Jimin and Yoongi stop walking when they hear their names. "That's them." The large group suddenly turns around and looks at Jimin and Yoongi.

When the group stares at them, Yoongi wraps his arm around Jimin and pulls him close. "Wow. He's Jeon Jungkook's youngest son." Some of the students mutter as they stare at Jimin.

"Is he really a beta? He looks more like an omega." A student whispers to her friend as she looks at Yoongi.

"What are you all staring at?" Jimin frowns and crosses his arms in disapproval. "I get that my Hyung is beautiful, but staring is rude."

The large group quietly mutters their apologies before scattering. Once the large group is gone, Jimin and Yoongi go to the board and look at the list. "Our classmates voted for us," Jimin smiles with excitement. "It makes sense. The songs you wrote and your performance were amazing."

"You were amazing." Yoongi quietly praises his amazing

"Are you excited for the spring semester?" Jimin asks Yoongi as they go to their first class of the semester together.

"We have fewer classes together," Yoongi mumbles as he tightens his grip around Jimin's waist.

"You will do amazingly in your classes. I know you will. However, if any of the professors or classmates do anything to you, let me know. You are my beta, so I will take care of you." Jimin smiles and softly pecks Yoongi's cheek. "Do not take the mistreatment quietly."

"Okay." Yoongi hums and softly smiles as he looks into Jimin's sparkling eyes.

"Where do you want to sit?" Jimin asks once they are in the lecture hall.

"Back." Yoongi points to a pair of seats toward the back.

"Okay." Jimin smiles and goes to the seats with Yoongi.

As they wait for their class to start, they see the girl Jimin danced against at the Pack Alpha's party.  When she sees Jimin, she scowls in irritation, but Jimin ignores her and turns his attention to the front of the classroom where the professor is standing.

"Professor, is it really fair that you are teaching this class? You are part of the Jeon Sub-Pack, and Jeon Jimin is in this class." The classmate Jimin danced against asks, trying to cause an issue.

"I am in the Jeon Sub-Pack."

"So am I."

"There are lots of us in the Jeon Sub-Pack."

"You are in several classes where the professors are in your father's sub-pack. Why is it a problem that Professor Chae is teaching this class?" A classmate from another sub-pack points out, causing the girl to scowl in annoyance and sit down.

"Now that that has been handled, are there any more questions?" Professor Chae asks as she looks around the classroom. "No? Let's start the class."

"That is so embarrassing." The classmates snicker as they look at their classmate who caused a ruckus on the first day.

Once their first class is over, Jimin walks with Yoongi to the next class. When they reach the door, Jimin lovingly smiles at his boyfriend. Yoongi had a small music theory class without Jimin during their first semester, but this is his first big class without his boyfriend.

When Yoongi enters the classroom, he looks around and finds a spot in the corner. As he sits down, a beta sits next to him and shyly smiles. Wanting to be polite, Yoongi smiles in return.

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