Chapter 82: Always Have Each Other

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As Jimin and Yoongi practice for their spring festival performance, Yoongi's phone rings, so Hoseok picks it up. "Yoon, your phone is ringing," Hoseok tells him and shows him the ringing phone.

"Can you answer it, Hyung?" Yoongi asks, surprising Hoseok.

"Sure." Hoseok smiles and answers the phone. "Hello?"

"Did I call the wrong number?" The voice on the other end asks.

"That depends on who you called." Hoseok hums and looks at the caller ID. 

"I'm calling Min Yoongi." The person responds.

"Ah, then yes. You have called the right number." Hoseok mutters and wonders who this Kyungmi is. Doesn't this person know that Yoon doesn't like to talk? He prefers to text.

"Can I ask who you are to be answering his phone?" Kyungmi becomes agitated.

"Why are you agitated that I answered the phone? If you need to tell Yoon something, then tell me, and I will tell him." Hoseok hums with a frown.

"Fine. Will you tell him that I want to change our meeting time for tomorrow?" Kyungmi sighs.

"Yoon, she wants to change the time tomorrow," Hoseok tells Yoongi.

"No," Yoongi responds and shakes his head. "That is the only time that Mimi and I are free tomorrow."

"He said no." Hoseok hums and flips through his notes. "Do you have anything else you want to ask him?"

"I am busy tomorrow, so I won't be able to work on our project," Kyungmi mutters with a frown.

"She said she's busy tomorrow," Hoseok tells Yoongi as he looks at a rare plant he has been trying to acquire for the shop.

"Then we can work on it separately. We have met enough for the project." Yoongi responds and watches as Jimin stretches.

"He said that you can work on the project separately now." Hoseok hums as he reads through the plant information.

"Can you ask him if we can work on it later tonight?" Kyungmi mumbles.

"Sure. Yoon, she wants to work on it tonight." Hoseok looks up at Yoongi to see if that works with him.

"No. Mimi and I will be busy." Yoongi responds and looks at his phone with confusion. Why is she so determined to meet up? The project is easy. All that we need to do is research on our own.

"He said no. He is busy tonight." Hoseok hums and walks over to his little brother, sitting on his back to force him to stretch deeper.

"Hyung!" Jimin yelps as he is pressed into a deeper stretch.

"You need to stretch deeper. When I'm not here, Yoon, will you do this? Just press him into a deeper stretch." Hoseok asks Yoongi as he continues to sit on Jimin's back.

"Okay, Hyung." Yoon hums and nods.

"Oh, do you have anything else to ask?" Hoseok asks Kyungmi when he realizes she is still on the phone.

"No. I'll just talk to him later." Kyungmi mutters and goes to hang up.

"Give me a moment." Hoseok hums and walks out of the practice room. "I don't really know who you are, but Yoon really hates talking on the phone. If you want to talk to him, just text him. He's busy with the spring festival coming in a couple of weeks, so he won't be able to respond quickly. But you should respect his boundaries." 

"Okay. I will keep that in mind." Kyungmi mutters then hangs up.

With a sigh, Hoseok walks back into the practice room and sits on the couch. What is wrong with her? I am sure she knows that Yoongi and Jimin are dating. I better keep an eye on her.

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