Chapter 68: Regrets

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When Jungkook and Taehyung arrive home after getting a message from Jimin, they find Jimin and Yoongi shyly sitting on the couch together. All tension from Jungkook's body melts away when he sees how happy his son is.

"So, what's the plan?" Jungkook asks as he sits across from the young pair.

"We want to court," Jimin explains as he intertwined their fingers.

"I like the sound of that." Jungkook hums with approval, causing Yoongi to relax with relief.

"I guess we should plan to officially meet your parents as your future mate's parents." Taehyung smiles with excitement as he coos over the adorable pair.

"Hyung cooked for me and everything." Jimin happily praises Yoongi, causing the beta to blush profusely.

"Yoongi, you definitely have our blessing." Jungkook softly smiles at the shy beta.

"Thank you." Yoongi shyly signs as he shyly bites his bottom lip.

"So, how do you two want to handle living arrangements? As you know, Gummie already lives with us." Jungkook asks as the young pair.

"We were thinking that Hyung would still live with his parents while I continued to live here at home. He wants to court me properly." Jimin fondly smiles at his beta and softly pecks Yoongi's blushing cheek.

"I think that's an adorable and wonderful idea. Your Appa and I had originally wanted to do that, but we ended up adopting Sunshine." Taehyung hums with a fond smile as he thinks about their past.

"Wait ... Appa, why did you say that Gummie hyung already lives with us as if he and Sunny hyung are together?" Jimin asks with big eyes.

"Sunshine finally asked Gummie if he could court him," Jungkook explains with a big smile.

"Oh wow." Jimin's eyes widen in surprise.

"Quite a bit happened." Taehyung frowns slightly as he remembers the tension from earlier.

"Oh. What happened?"

While Taehyung and Jungkook spend time with Jimin and Yoongi, Seokjin and Namjoon sit Hyesun down to talk.

"Star, Hyung and I have been talking about how to handle what happened earlier, and we have a question for you." Namjoon softly tells his daughter.

"Okay." Hyesun hums and sits with her parents at the kitchen table.

"Do you love Sae-ron? Don't answer until you think about it for a moment." Seokjin asks as he holds his daughter's hand.

Hyesun stays quiet for a few moments as she mulls over her parents' question. As she thinks, she begins to frown. "I'm honestly not sure."

"Okay, so toss her and Jongie into a burning building. Who would you pull out of the fire first? If you lost one of them, which one would break you more?" Seokjin asks as Hyesun stays quiet.

"I could never lose Jongie," Hyesun whispers as she tightens her grip on Seokjin's hand. "Losing Jongie would break me. Shit. Oh shit." Hyesun's eyes widen when she realizes what her parents are pointing out to her. "Oh fuck." 

"I think she sees it now." Namjoon links his mate as their daughter goes through a slight crisis.

"I think you're right," Seokjin responds as he gently rubs the top of his daughter's hand to ground her.

"Jongie. Have I been hurting him this entire time? Or is it one-sided? He's been ... avoiding me. That's why I wanted to go to the amusement park with him. When I mentioned taking Jongie to the amusement park, Sae-ron asked if she could come with us. Jongie looked hurt when I said yes. That's our place we go to so that we don't have to think and can just have fun. It's our place to be ourselves and de-stress. Was he hurt because we're best friends or because of his feelings?" Hyesun desperately grips her parents' hands, begging for answers to the questions that are running through her mind at a million miles per hour.

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