Chapter 63: Out of Reach

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When Jimin enters his school, he is quickly surrounded by his classmates. "Jimin-ah, what happened? Did she hurt you?" His classmates ask him with worry because Jimin is the sweetest person they know.

"She, uhm, threw her drink on a drawing from a friend," Jimin explains with embarrassment.

"Is it the really pretty one from three years ago?" One of his friends asks with big eyes.

"Yeah ..." Jimin nervously responds.

"Yoongi made that for you!" His classmate gasps with horror. "Did any of the juice get on it?!"

"No. Thankfully." Jimin hums and smiles at his friend.

"You should have made her bald!" His friend shouts as she crosses her arms in anger.

"I probably should have kept my cool instead of attacking her." Jimin sighs and walks with his friend to class while his other classmates go and spread the news.

"Why did she throw juice on the drawing?" His classmate asks as they sit at their desks.

"She said I was vain for having so many drawings of myself," Jimin explains and pouts.

"It's not your fault that the beta you love only draws you." His classmate laughs and ruffles Jimin's hair.

"Jieun!" Jimin shouts and covers her mouth.

"What? It's true." Jieun mumbles through Jimin's hand. "Oh, when is Hoseok oppa going to date Bogum oppa?" Jieun asks and pulls Jimins's hand off of her mouth.

"How would I know? That's up to them even though they are driving everyone mad." Jimin sighs and shakes his head with disappointment. "They are joined at the hip."

"All that I am saying is that if they don't start dating soon, I'll be making my moves. They are both gorgeous." Jieun dreamily sighs as she thinks about the two handsome alphas.

"Go after Jongie hyung. He is single." Jimin laughs while Jieun scowls at him.

"Please! We all know why he is single." Jieun snickers while Jimin nods in agreement.

"He is in love with Star noona." Jimin sighs and shakes his head.

"The true love of his life is her. No one can convince me otherwise." 

"I agree, but it is one-sided love. Star noona is dating some omega from her classes this year." Jimin frowns and stabs his notebook with his pencil.

"What?! Since when?" Jieun gasps in horror and looks at Jimin with big eyes.

"Alright, class, it is time to start the day." The teacher smiles as her students return to their desks.

"Tell me later," Jieun whispers to Jimin.

"I will," Jimin whispers in response before motioning for Jieun to turn her attention to the front of the room.

When their first break starts, Jieun turns around and looks at Jimin. "Tell me everything."

"So, apparently, there is this gorgeous omega in several of her classes. Noona asked her classmate out about three days ago. It went well, and now they are dating." Jimin explains as Jieun makes several gasps of surprise.

"How did Jongin oppa take it?" Jieun asks with worry.

"He was really quiet. Once she left, I think he went to the bathroom and cried. He refuses to tell us anything, but he seems so heartbroken. He tries to act normal and bicker with her like usual, but he doesn't smile when they bicker like he used to." Jimin sighs and doodles on his notebook.

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