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"So as we discussed earlier on..oh my what happened?''Art asked looking up from his laptop as I walked in.

"Is it that bad?''I asked rubbing my eyes.

"You look like a ghost sir,''

"Oh stop I always look amazing don't I?''

"I don't wanna lie,''

"Fine fine just get me some coffee..thank you,''I said as I settled on my desk.

"Shouldn't you get some sleep instead?''

"These documents aren't going to sign themselves are they?I need to finish work earlier today...I have a date.''

"Really?with whom?''he asked.

"You have got to be joking,''I said staring at him.

"Ofcourse I'm joking..it's Apo..I know.. have you forgotten I was your number one shipper?I just wanted to lighten up your mood,''

"Well you did a terrible job at that..but you know what would cheer me up?''


"Come closer,''

He moved closer sticking out his ear.

"What?''he asked again.

"Some cup of coffee!ohoo Art I'd advice you to move a little quicker my head is killing me,''I said shifting back my attention to work.

I had enough free and alone time at work but it felt odd without Apo around to order me about.

I wonder what he was up to..I vividly remember keeping all the toothpaste and all the other harmful addictive stuff he liked.Or did I?

"Mile there's not a single toothpaste in sight,''I received a text from him.

"Really?I thought I had bought some seems like we ran out,''

"Just drop the act Phakphum there were a lot of them just recently..''

"Just wait till I get back,''

"So you're keeping them away from me?I'm not a child,''

"But you have one growing inside of you..that counts,''

"I won't forget this P'Mile,''

"Don't hold it against me Po,I'm coming to pick you up in the evening,''

"I don't feel like going anymore,''

"Po don't be like this''

"Ok I'll only do it because I feel generous today,''

"I thought convincing you would be much harder,''

"Don't make me regret this,''

"Sorry I'll pick you up later..love you,''

"I love you too,''


"Here's your coffee just how you like it,''

"One of the many reasons why I love you..you got it just right Art,''

"Please don't let Apo hear you say that even if you didn't mean it like that he'll rip off my head,''

"You're exaggerating,''

"We both know I'm not,''

"That aside,fill me on on how the conference went,''

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