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When that doctor said things were about to get a bit tough she really underestimated.

Nothing on planet earth prepared me for the intensive insomnia and unhealthy amount of caffeine I was about to resort to.

The past week has been hectic.

No hectic is definitely an understatement too.

Mipo and Phoenix finished their vaccines the day before but they still most likely hadn't wrapped their heads around it.

Anytime I took them away from the nursery..they thought we were going back to the hospital so they cried a lot.

That was going to take a bit of time getting used to.

Oh..right..you're probably wondering what happened when Mr Heeves asked me for a kiss.

I let him off with a rigid warning.

Although I don't plan on being so courteous next time.

I wish I could punch him across the face but I had to atleast be the composed one around here.

Besides that's a "mother's'' trait.

He still lives just beside us but I cross my fingers on a daily basis not to come across him.

Did I hate him?..no

Was I entirely pleased with him?..not a chance.

"He asked me for a kiss,''I blurted out when we were making dinner.

He frowned and scoffed dropping the vegetables he was cutting and wiping his hand.

The expression on his face was priceless.

"I kind of kissed him back,''

Might as well tease him while I still can.

He didn't seem angry or pissed or even jealous.

He closed the gap between us lifting me from the ground and placing me in the counter.

"You don't actually expect me to believe that do you?''

He was rubbing circles on my palms.

"So you don't believe it?''

He placed a tiny kiss on the palm of my hands.

"Try tricking someone else Nattawin..and besides I don't care what the two of you did..as far as I know there's my ring on your finger which means...''

"Yeah? What are you trying to imply Phakphum?''

His lips curled in a mischievous smile.

"Do you need me to demonstrate?''he asked staring at my lips.

"What are you waiting for? enlighten me,''

"Your sassiness is killing me,''

"Isn't that a good thing? getting to die with such an amazing view of me,''

He lightly chuckled.

"Speaking of..you've started gaining your muscles again,''

"Oh? I didn't notice,''I replied feeling happy with myself.

Oh..I definitely did notice.

I've been exercising whenever I was free.

The house gym was way better than going out.

And..I could carry Mipo and Phoenix along.

"You look amazing baby,''

"Thank you.. although I don't see you doing anything about it,''

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