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Kyle was still stalling by the cafeteria when we got there.

I heard Mile curse under his breath.

"It's not worth it..let's just get out of here,''I said as I held him back before he went over to him and caused a scene.

He looked at him one more time before shaking his head ruefully.

He left with me on tow behind him.

"Baby..do you want to order anything before we go home?or I could alternatively cook for you,''

His gaze was fixed ahead..he was upset but seemed like he didn't want to talk about it.

"Mile..we've been married for two years now..do I look like an idiot to you?''

I didn't want to be mad at him but this behaviour was forcing me to.

He sighed then finally turned to me.

"I'm sorry...it's just that Kyle always finds a way to rip me off of everything that makes me happy,''

"But aren't you two partners?''

He clicked his tongue slowly.


"Ahh I get it but you've been able to handle everything he throws at you right?''

He slid his hand in mine and locked out fingers.

"I can handle anything he tries but not when it involves you,''

"So you're saying you're afraid that he'll convince me to leave you?''

He bit his lip and nodded slowly.

This is crazy.

"Oww Po that hurts,''he said as he rubbed the back of his head."why did you hit me?''

"Is that even a question?what sort of dumb question is that?and I'll do it again,''I said raising my hand to hit him again.

"Hey hey easy with the hand Po,''he said blocking the blow."I know baby..I know you're not easy that's why I freaking love you,''

He jumped on me placing kisses all over my face.

"Get off of me you're heavy!''I said trying to push him off but he wasn't budging.

He prodded his fingers in my sides forcing a laugh out of me.

I wasn't much of a ticklish person but he sort of knew every nook and cranny of my body..even the sensitive parts.

"I can't breathe you idiot!''

My stomach hurt from laughing so hard and I was getting breathless.

He withdrew his hands and pressed his lips to mine in a slow passionate kiss.

He sank back in his seat and I followed suit straddling him on the drivers seat.

He rested his hands on my hips as the kiss dragged on.

The noises from outside brought us back to reality and we broke the kiss breathing heavily.

Our hairs were ruffled up and lips swollen.

"You look hot,''I said as he smiled at me.

"We're outside Mr Nattawin..pick your words carefully,''he replied giving me a peck on my cheek.

The knock on the window caused us to spring apart.

I settled back on my seat fixing my hair but Mile opened the window without even trying to make himself look presentable.

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