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Apos pov:

I sat across him as he attended to his clients.

The room was almost half empty and he has been working for almost an hour.

I started at the glasses hanging on the bridge of his nose as he adjusted them.

I thought back to the last time we sat across each other in a meeting room during the filming of Kinnporsche.

I wonder how he would react if I pulled a Porsche on him right now.

I slid my shoe off and stretched my foot so that my toes were rubbing against his leg.

He turned his head sharply towards me and cleared his throat.

He gave me what seemed like a warning gaze and went back to his work.

The stern look on his face just made him look hotter than he already was.

As if that was going to stop me.

I ignored his warning gaze and slid my foot up his leg.

His jaw clenched and he dropped his pen this time.

"Is everything ok sir?''asked the client looking at him curiously.

"Yes.. everything is fine,''

He shot me one last look and mouthed "behave'' before focusing back on his work.

I missed the kids already and I was getting tired of doing nothing.

Even though we've been in this room for almost an hour I could feel this heavy stare on me.

I turned my head and caught a certain man staring at me..more like taking his time to study me.

When he saw that he had caught my attention he smiled at me.

"Who is he?''I whispered to Art who was sitting beside me typing something on his laptop.

"Kyle Heeves.. Mile's biggest nemesis in this business,''

I looked back and he was still staring so I decided to just return the smile as an act of courtesy.

Mile didn't seem so thrilled about it though.

He seemed to have noticed the small interaction.

"Mr Heeves..we need your full cooperation and that means your full attention too,''Mile said sternly.

Kyle lifted his hands in defence and gave me one last smile.

*What a weird guy*...I thought to myself.

It was almost 2pm and I was getting hungry.

The clients already left and only Art,Mile,Kyle and I were left.

"I'll be back I'll go get a snack from the vending machine,''I said standing.

"Come on I'll accompany you Apo..I need a snack too,''Kyle said also rising from his seat.

"You're doing no such thing Mr Heeves..I suggest you get back to your seat..I'll go with him,''Mile replied also rising from his seat.

"It's ok I'll just go al-''

I couldn't even finish my statement before them interrupting me.

"Mile.. we're just getting snacks..no need to be such an workaholic.. we'll be back in no time..right Apo?''he said and stood beside me wrapping his arm around my waist.

What's with this guy anyway?what does he want from me.

Mile's last ounce of patience was lost in thin air when he yanked Kyle's hand away from me.

"Can't you see the ring on our fingers?have some respect keep your hands to yourself Heeves,''

There was thick tension between them..they really did hate each others guts.

I can't remember the last time I saw him this angry..it has been a really long time since the Mark and Lia incident.

"Calm down man..no need to be so worked up,''Kyle said still staring at me.

"Are you trying to get on my nerves?get out,''

I could tell Mile was trying his best to keep himself together.

We know how possessive he gets.

I was really uncomfortable with this Kyle guy..he just couldn't keep his hands to himself.

He gathered his things and when he reached the doorway he said.."Goodluck you two,''

It didn't sound genuine though.

Immediately the door closed behind him Mile grabbed me and pulled me towards him.

"Baby..where do you know him from?''he asked seriously.

He was still mad..but I would be too.

"Umm I think I'll just head out,''Art said rushing out and closing the door behind him.

"Mile I don't know him..we just met today,''

He kept walking towards me until I was backed up against the wall.

"Why were you two smiling at each other?''

I could feel his breath on my neck as he towered over me.

He was just a few centimetres taller than me but at the moment I felt tiny.

"I saw him smiling and I just thought it would be decent to smile back,''

"Are you sure that's the only reason?''he asked lifting my chin to maintain eye contact.

I could feel his hard on pressing on me.

"P'Mile what are you doing?''I asked as I felt his hand sliding under my shirt.

"Baby..did you enjoy teasing me with all those people around?''he asked withdrawing his hand from underneath my shirt and playing with the band of my trouser.

Before I could answer..he pressed his lips in mine and slid his hand in my trouser.

I bit on his lip to hold back a moan as he took my already hard shaft in his hand.

"Mile..''I moaned.

"Yes baby,''

"There's people around.. I don't think we should be doing this here''

I had a difficult time making out words with his hand buried deep inside my pants.

"No one would dare interrupt,''he said as he increased his pace leaving trails of kisses along my neck.

Then he pulled back.

"Sorry I lost control..I just missed you Po,''he said resting his head on my shoulder and withdrawing his hand from me.

He was holding himself back.

"Why'd you stop?''I asked as he fixed my clothes.

He kissed me and held my hands.

"It's been a long time since we last had sex and I don't want to hurt you..if I start now then I won't be able to hold back..plus I want our first time to be as comfortable to you as possible ,''he said pulling me along with him out of the room.

"What do you mean first time?we've did it uncountable times,''I said smiling at him.

"You know what I mean..but anyway.. let's get some food and go home..will that be okay for you?''he asked kissing my cheeks as we walked hand in hand down the hallway.

People were staring but he didn't seem to mind so I ignored them too.

"Yeah I would definitely like that,''

"But incase you change your mind..''he said raising his eyebrows at me.

"Noo..you already ruined the mood,''I said pushing him away playfully as we both laughed.

Authors pov:

Ouuu..don't forget to vote and comment 🥰
Missed you guys and hope you're having a great day/night.

This Kyle guy reminds me of Mark😒

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