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Miles pov:

I sat beside the man who I had come to love and adore with all my existence..holding his hand in mine.

The heart monitor beeped slowly as his breathing rate stabilized.

"You've been here all night and day sir...I think you should get some rest,''said the nurse as she came to check on him.

"Thank you but I think I'll stay for a while longer,''

She knew there was no convincing me otherwise so she nodded and left.

I turned my gaze back to Apo..his face was a bit pale.

I run my fingers over his cheeks trying my best to be strong..atleast for him.

"I'll be here for you Po..I promise ,''


"Come on Mile just eat something,''my mother said as she brought food for the third time that day.

I don't remember the last time I ate and I didn't even feel hungry at all.

Apo was all that was running through my mind.

I spent all day hoping that he would at least open his eyes or squeeze my hand in return.

"I've had enough of you and you're going to leave this room whether you like it or not,''my mother said and Apo's mum nodded in agreement.

"What do you both mean?''I asked turning to look at them.

"We're either going to do this the easy way..or the hard way,''

Ok that statement always scares me.

"I already told you I'm not leav-..ow ow it hurts,''i yelped as they both pulled my ears forcing me to follow them.

"You need to eat..freshen up and sleep you idiot..Apo isn't going to be happy when he wakes up and you also get sick due to lack of enough rest,''

"Ok ok I get it but please stop pulling my ears..both of you,''

"Good..now get in there and take a shower.. we'll be waiting for you with the food and if you won't eat we will have to use the old method,''

Women get so scary sometimes.

I wonder what they could do if I didn't eat..they just pulled my ears across the hospital after all.

They were right..the warm shower helped a lot.

I changed my clothes and rushed back to the hospital room only to find them talking with Apo.

I rushed beside him and wrapped him in a gentle hug.

"I'm so happy you're awake baby I've been worried sick,''I said and felt his smile against my shoulder.

His voice was cracked..maybe because of staying unconscious for so long.

That was the least of my concerns though..I'm happy I could hold him in my hands again like this.

"Where are they?''he asked and I knew immediately that he was referring to our babies.

Before I could reply..the nurse came in holding the babies and handed them over to Apo.

"She has your eyes,''he said as he stared at them admiringly.

"That's what the doctor said,''

"Have you decided on names yet?''our parents asked."no pressure or anything,''

"Mile?''he asked as he looked over at me expectedly.

"No baby..I leave the honours to you..you deserve it,''

"Phoenix and Mipo,''he said smiling lovingly at the cooing babies in his hands.

"What's your inspiration for the names?''asked the nurse.

"I think it suits them and Phoenix reminds me of kinnporsche which was the best thing that happened to me and Mipo reminds me of the promises we made for each other..being around them already feels like sunshine,''

"That's beautiful,''

"We have good news..you can take him home later this evening or in the morning.. whichever you prefer best and we'll give you more assistance on the babies,''we thanked the nurse as she left.

"Mile it's time to eat,''my mother said as they both turned to me.

"Baby..they're holding me hostage,''

"He can't help you now..you better keep your promise or we'll give the children a show to remember when they grow up..they can even use the story in class,''

"Now I get why you two sent me to the bathroom..you just wanted to see him awake first!''

"What do you mean by that?Apo your husband here hasn't left your side for 2 days straight and when we try helping him out he's thinking that I..your mother has ulterior motives,''

"Ohoo the two of you..not in front of the kids.. there's an empty park perfect for arguing outside..you can shout all you like''Apo replied as he and my mother shook their heads at us.

"I'll take my son back home.. that'll teach you!''his mother said folding her arms around her chest.

"You wouldn't dare,''I replied staring at her in awe.

"Aren't I the one who gave birth to him?''

"Even if you did..you'll have to go through me first to take him away from me Mae,''

"I think there was a problem somewhere..there's no way you two are mother in law and son in law..you behave like siblings,''

"We have the best mother-son in-law relationship..right son?''she said as she smiled at me.

"Exactly.. we're unbeatable,''I replied mirroring her contagious smile.

"Stop it already..Apo and I make the best duo..atleast we're not on each others neck all the time,''my mother replied as she took Phoenix in her arms.

"What do you mean all the time?we don't argue all the time,''I replied.

"As much as the two of you are in a room for more than an hour,the day won't end without you two getting in some type of competition or arguement,''said Apo.

"Well that just shows how fun we are!''his mother replied giving me a high five.

"What do you mean by that?are you trying to say Apo and I are not fun?''

"Your words not ours,''

"Oh so that's how you two want to play it..ok we'll see who will be laughing once we get home,''Apo said as my mother helped him back into his clothes.

"I don't like the sound of that..is it supposed to be a threat?''

"We'll see,''

Authors pov:

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