13. Leverage

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'I'm sorry to see you leave' Jon said as Tyrion finished pissing off the edge of the wall. It had been four days and although Rieka didnt want to leave they had no real reason to stay. Rieka wasnt joining the black, it wasnt possible and Jon was staying, Benjen wouldnt be back and Yoren was heading down, it was a good time to go. But Rieka hated the idea of leaving JOn up here all the same.

''It's either me or this cold and it doesn't appear to be going anywhere.' Tyrion told him.

''Will you stop at Winterfell on your way south?'

'I suppose I will gods know there are not many featherbeds between here and Kings Landing.' Tyrion reminded him

'If you see my brother Bran tell him I miss him tell him I'd visit if I could.' Jon requested

'Of course' Tyrion said.

'He may never walk again' Jon informed him

'If you're going to be a cripple it's better to be a rich cripple. Take care snow' Tyrion said walking past. Rieka barreled past Tyrion and into Jon's arms.

"This is not goodbye, because you are going to be a ranger and come and visit me and this isnt goodbye so dont say it." Rieka instructed wrapping her legs around him and burying her face in his neck. Tyrion watched them, he couldnt hold her like that.

"I miss you already." Jon breathed against her. She pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Tell Arya and father I miss them too."

"And a big hug for Bran." Rieka agreed. Jon wiped at her eyes. "Leaving Robb wasnt this hard. What does that tell you?"

"YOu are going back to Robb." Jon corrected.

"Right." Rieka agreed softly. "I love you brother... Jon Stark of Winterfell. You can still say no to these vows, change your mind there is no shame in changing your mind."

"I love you, Rieka."

RIeka kicked at the snow as she headed out, after a teary goodbye to Ghost and Jon they were headed out. Tyrion smiled back at her.

"We should make good time to Winterfell." Tyrion remarked.

"I miss him." Rieka whispered. "You miss your family?"

"No." Tyrion admitted. "I wish I loved them like you love yours."

"Hey, we will be family and they will be your family too." Rieka reminded him.

"Does that mean you accept?"

"I'm coming south with you. You have a moon to make me fall in love with you." Rieka challenged. Tyrion smiled as they made camp for the night.

"Challenge accepted." Tyrion agreed.

Rieka woke up in the morning with an arm around her waist and a hard cock pressed against her backside. If this was anyone other than Tyrion she was going to start breaking extremities. She glanced back seeing tyrion asleep. Content that it wasnt one of tyrions men she rolled back over hoping for another moment of rest.

A smile appeared on tyrions face however when rieka leaned back into him. His grip tightened on her and he nuzzled his face into her neck.

"Admit it." Tyrion whispered. "You like me." There was a long pause before rieka turned her cheek to see him.

"And give up my leverage?" Rieka mused he leaned forward wanting to kiss her when Avalon growled and Rieka shot up looking around.

"Go get your hunt." Rieka agreed noticing the rabbit. Rieka heard the crunch of bone under Avalons jaws but a moment later.

"How romantic." Tyrion mused. Rieka smiled back at him. 

"Come on, move your ass, we will be home before you know it." Rieka remarked. 

"Home." Tyrion whispered. "I can honestly say I have never truly felt at home anywhere. My father and sister made sure of that." Rieka stared back at him. 

"Well then I will make sure winterfell gives you a warm welcome!" 

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