51. Threats & Homegoings

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Tommens wedding, the kiss sealed them forever. Rieka stood by Cersei's side as they clapped but the smile on cerseis face was not genuine. Rieka knew this. Cersei trusted them as far as she could throw them and Olenna was a large woman and Cersei was not that strong. But still they clapped false smiled on their faces. But Tommen seemed happy, all things considered he got a beautiful bride and a few realms within the kingdom.

But the fun was over with rather quickly, Margaery was queen and tormenting Cersei ever so slightly that the digs made Cersei murderous and then to find the most heartbreaking thing in her chambers. She thought her heart might break all together.

"RIEKA!" Cersei begged. Rieka had gotten used to Cersei's company, she wanted to tell her about the baby wanted to see what Cersei thought, but knew that her hatred for Tyrion was still strong and she didnt want Cersei to take it out on the child, she didnt think Cersei would but... she wasnt confident.


"Cersei whats wrong?" Rieka questioned moving to her, Jaime ran in behind her and Cersei's eyes darted between them. "What is that?" Rieka questioned moving to the serpent with a lion pendant necklace hanging from its fangs. Rieka reached out and touched it.

'There are only two liked in the world the one I'm wearing and the one I gave to myrcella.''

'It's a threat?' Jaime said taking the necklace from the snakes fangs.

'Of course it's a threat." Rieka agreed. Cersei nodded huffing a breath.

"our daughter is alone and in Dorne surrounded by people that hate our family it is a threat!' Cersei spat.

'No note?' Jaime questioned.

"I think the fangs are enough of a note." Rieka offered.

"Wait you know?" Jaime questioned.

"I'm a twin its in the code to know when other twins are being shady as fuck." Rieka agreed calmly. Cersei held tight to Rieka's hand.

''Focus!" Cersei demanded. "They blame us for the death of oberyn and his sister and every other tragedy that has the fallen the cursed country I will burn the city to the ground if they touch her!' Cersei shouted

'Not so loud.' Jaime told her.

'Why? Myrcella is in danger and you're worried I'm speaking too loudly!' Cersei asked incredulously

'They cannot know that she is our daughter.' Jaime reminded her. Rieka sealed her lips together.

"Wont hear anything from me." Rieka assured.

''Then don't call her your daughter you've never been a father to her.' Cersei told him sternly.

'If I was a father to any of my children they will be stoned in the streets.' Jaime reminded her.

'look what your caution brought our oldest child. murdered at his own wedding, our only daughter shipped off to Dorne and our baby boy is married that smirking whore from high garden.' cersei said sitting back down miserably.

'I will get her back.' Jaime told her marching out. Rieka looked between them before chasing after him.

'Jaime!" Rieka declared stopping him.

"I thank you for your discretion but-"

"You cant go alone.' Rieka cut him off.

''I cant go in with an army either.' He reminded her.

'Bronn. He will want many things but he will help you and lets face it. You will need the help.''


"I hate her." Cersei decided. Rieka looked up from the book she was pretending to read to keep from thinking about the fact that she was pregnant and Tyrion was on the run and she wanted to run home.

"Who?" Rieka questioned.

"Margaery, the queen Gods she is such a- GODS!" Cersei grumbled sitting beside her.

"Did Jaime and bronn leave yet for Dorne?" Rieka pondered.

"Heading out now." Cersei agreed softly. "You didnt tell anyone-"

"No one." Rieka agreed.

"Thank you."

"They were upset Oberyn lost but it was... a fair duel." Rieka choked out.

"They didnt seem to care about that." Cersei muttered.


The weeks that passed were rough. Rieka was showing now and tried to hide behind ruffly dresses and big cloaks but soon she wouldnt be able to hide it. Then Loras was arrested. Then Margaery was.

"Your grace?" Rieka questioned.

"Hello." Tommen whispered standing up.

"I just heard." Rieka remarked coming into his chambers. "I'm so sorry honey." Tommen sobbed out running to her. She wrapped her arms around him holding onto him.

"I love her." Tommen whimpered. "I love her and I can't save her." Rieka ran a hand through his hair. Cersei stopped as she was passing by, none of this would have happened if Rieka and Tommen were married, why didnt she fight harder for it?

"You are the king honey, you can get her out." Rieka reminded him.

"Not without violence." Tommen corrected.

"Sometimes a little fire is good, gets things done. Your uncle knew that. You were just a little thing, goodness you really grew up in this past year." Rieka remarked. "Things get messy... is there a better way without violence?"

"I dont know. Wait for her to... accept what they deem her punishment." Tommen offered.

"Ask if you can see her if nothing else." Rieka suggested. "Check on her, I'm sure she will glad to know you are trying to get her out."

"Thanks Rieka... I dont know why people dont like you, you are really nice." Tommen remarked. Rieka cocked her head at him before nodding.

"Thank you." Rieka agreed.

But then Cersei taken and held captive and Rieka knew she couldnt stay. The high fucking sparrow was going to capture them all and even though Rieka was innocent, her name had long since deemed her a traitor so she ran, she ran home.


"Home." Rieka whispered when she reached the gates of Winterfell.

"Who goes there?"

"Rieka Stark of Winterfell."

"Rieka Stark..." They repeated looking her over.

"Who is in charge here?"

"You are eldest, if you are who you say you are."

"Is sana here?"

"Bring her to lady Stark."

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