44. Breathless

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'Let it be known that Margaery of house Tyrell and Joffrey of the houses Lannister and Baratheon are one heart one flesh one soul cursed be to those who would seek to tear them asunder.'

'With this kiss I pledge my love,' Joffrey said bringing his lips to Margaery the crowd clapped happily as they were announced man and wife. King and Queen.

'We have a new queen.' Rieka said down to Tyrion.

'Yes we do,' he agreed.

"Cersei isnt going to be happy." Rieka added. 

"No, she isnt." Tyrion agreed again. 

"Come on, I dont want to sit through this wedding just yet." Rieka remarked grabbing Tyrion's hand he smirked following after her.  She shed her dress quickly and she pulled him to the bed tugging at his pants. 

Tyrion fucked into her, driving his cock into her tight cunt, stretching her around him, forcing himself into her slick wet heat she moaned into him. He pressed kisses up her collarbone, across her throat, sucking her neck and nipping at her chin. Rieka's fingernails scratched across his back and ass. Her mouth spilled filthy words of praise. 

Tyrion found her lips, kissing her hard and hot, their mouths fucking as their bodies clashed, her cunt holding him captive. He worked a hand between them, snaking it down to flick her clit. Overcome, Rieka screamed, teeth biting into his shoulder, her body pure heaven as it milked his cock.

"Fuck!" Tyrion lost control, thrusting into her, marking her, losing his mind with the fucking incredible feel of her.

Mine he thought as they collapsed in a tangle of limbs, their bodies still fused together, sweat cooling on their skin. Rieka laughed out smiling into him. 

"Fuck the wedding." Tyrion remarked kissing her. She brought a hand to his chin tipping his face to her. 

Joffreys wedding was large and obnoxious and it was a million degrees, it didnt help that Rieka and Tyrion were still catching their breaths from their mid wedding fornication. Joffrey sneered back at them as they arrived. 

"You are late!" Joffrey demanded. 

"I can't handle the heat, your grace." Rieka offered. "I'm still a snow bird." Joffrey smirked a wicked grin back at them, Tyrion didn't have a clue what joffrey had planned. Even Margaery, Joffrey's new queen didn't look to pleased. Joffrey was laughing and clapping. The half mens came out preforming the death of Robb stark, a play of Robbs downfall at the wedding. Tyrion's face was pinched watching the men get laughed at by everyone, the king the loudest. Rieka put her head on Tyrion's shoulder looking away from the men, she held back her sobs it was like all the pain she pushed down came right back up. 

Cersei stared back at Rieka's pinched and blotchy face as she tried to hold in the tears, Tyrion held her hand. Cersei couldnt control Joffrey. Jaime stared back at Cersei, she had still been distant with him, he looked to Rieka and couldnt believe how far joffrey had fallen. Why he was like this, he couldnt fathom it. Rieka's gaze shifted out into the distance, her eyes finding Jaime.

'well fought, well fought.' Joffrey said as every took a bow. 'a champion purse.' He held out a pouch of gold for them. 'although you are not the champions yet are you?' he slapped the pouch in his hands. 'a true champion defeats all the challengers. Surely there are others out there who dare to challenge by reign... uncle. How about you? I'm sure they have a spare costume...'' Tyrion held onto Rieka's hand and Rieka held back the pain. Jaime should have been happy that the starks were gone but he wasnt. He looked at Rieka's broken face and thought about losing Cersei and that thought killed him. 

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