62. Choices

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"You dont have to go." Rieka whimpered. 

"I do." Tyrion corrected. "I am her hand." 

"And you have my heart." Rieka corrected. Tyrion held onto her hands and she refused to let go. "What if it doesnt work? What if you die? I just got you back, Tyrion." Rieka reminded him. "I dont want to lose you again." 

"You won't."

"You are always getting onto ships and leaving me." Rieka realized. "Should I give you a note saying Im' pregnant again?"

"Are you?" Tyrion questioned breathlessly. 

"I could be, I dont take the teas." Rieka mused. Tyrion blinked back at her. "If I lie and say yes, will you stay?" 

"Rieka- i'm doing this for our future, for Leona's future, so she can know peace." Tyrion reminded her. 

'I know but I hate it because I dont trust her still and I dont want to lose you." Rieka begged. 

'I have worked under tyrants my whole life' varys told tyrion 'they always believe in destiny.''

''She was a girl that walked into the fire with three stones and came out a woman with three dragons' tyrion reminded him 'how could she not believe in destiny? you think her a tyrant?' tyrion questioned.

'And there's the problem of Jon Snow' varys went on 'Perhaps it is actually a solution you know them both who do you think would make a better ruler?'

'He does not not want The throne that is why he bent the knee.' Tyrion reminded him

'He is a rightful heir and he is a man.'

'Joffrey was a man he had a cock and it didn't matter didn't make him a good king.' Tyrion recalled.

'It gives him a better claim though.' Varys said.

'At a certain point in time you fight for the person you believe in.' tyrion told him.

'Even if it is a mistake?'

'I think she will do what is right with the help of her loyal advisers' Tyrion told him.


"You miss him." Bran remarked. 

"He is my husband, the father of my daughter, yes I miss him." Rieka agreed. "I love him and I'm scared of whats to come." 

"Don't worry, I have a good feeling." Bran assured. 

'Whenever a Targaryen is born the gods flip a coin in the world holds its breath' varys told Jon.

'What do you want?' Jon questioned instead.

'A rightful heir on the throne.' Varys declared.

'I don't want it I never have.' Jon told him.

''I have known more kings and queens than any man I've seen what they do in front of the crowds and the shadows but what I tell you now is true, you will the rule wisely while she-''

''She is my queen!' Jon declared before storming off.

"they are at the capital." Bran remarked. 

"Tell me the truth, how old is Leona going to be by the time she sees Tyrion again?" Rieka questioned. 

"If things go to plan, within two moons." 

"Two moons, that feels like forever, you know since he came back I dont know how I lived without him. I honestly dont know how I lived. My heart hurts without him.'' Rieka admitted. "I never thought I would find a man like him, one that made me..."

"Happy and in love." Bran offered. 

"He makes me so happy Bran and I need him to come home to me." RIeka agreed. 

'Go home girl the fire will get her or one of the Dothraki, maybe that dragon will eat her.' sandor told arya. 'either way she's dead and you will be dead too if you don't get out of here.'

'I am going to kill her' arya corrected.

'Do you think you wanted revenge a long time? I've been wanting it all my life it's all I care about look at me. Look at me!' he demanded 'you wanna be like me? You come with me you die here' he told her and he walked away to find his brother.

'Sandor.' He turned back to her 'thank you' she said he nodded before turning away she didn't want to die not here not for Cersei.

'Hello big brother' the mountain was protecting the queen his red eyes looked back at her as she demanded he stay by her side

'Ser Gregor I command you' cersei said.

'Obey your queen sir Gregor' her Hand demanded. The mountain smashed Cerseis Hand against the wall killing him cersei quickly walked past sandor alone down the steps.

Sandor Moved slowly up the steps to his brother before attacking swinging his sword Gregor caught it in his hand, sandor got the helmet off his brother knocking it off with his sword.

'Yeah that's you... That's what you've always been' Sandor said his face, his whole head was disgusting like a zombie red eyes and black veins, monster. Truly what he had always been now the rest of the world could see it to.

The building was crumbling around them but they didn't care they needed to settle this once and for all. one of them had to die today Sandor stabbed his sword through Gregor completely but he still did not fall Gregor slammed sander back rolling him down the stairs. Sandor panted for breath as Gregor pulled the blade from his stomach. He was not a man, he was a monster. A scarred and evil monster. he picked sandor up and slammed him down.

Tyrion couldnt believe how far Daenerys feel from grace as she burned kings landing to the ground. Looking around he hated what she did, what her men did, even after the city surrendered. Now as he threw his hand of the queen pin down it clattered down the steps, he knew what he was doing but he made his choices, the people of kings landing didnt. 

"Take him." Daenerys demanded. Tyrion knew he would never see Rieka again.

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