57. Snow Lion

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"Rieka?" Jon whispered with a knock. "Hi rieka!"

"Jon!" Rieka declared softly as she got up.

"I was looking for you. Danaerys wanted to get started right away. I hoped-" jon hugged her gently. "This is her?"

"Leona." Rieka agreed. "My daughter."

"Shes cute. Pretty like you Rieka."

"My little girl." Rieka whispered. "Jon i missed you."

"I missed you so much!" Jon agreed holding tight to her as she shifted leona in her arms. "Might I?" He nodded to leona.

"Yes. Yes. Leona meet your uncle Jon." Jon took leona carefully from her and she smiled as leona snuggled into Jons arms.

"Has tyrion met her?"

"No. Not yet. How is he?" Rieka questioned.

"He misses you. When I came to dragonstone he asked about you. I didnt know you were back yet though so... he was worried even more so. He still carried around the letter you gave him. He showed it to me," jon remarked as leona sighed happily her little fist grabbing his shirt.

"I sent him away with... gods I was so... I told him to go and tomd him ina fucking note that I was pregnant because I wanted him safe,"

"He told me." Jon agreed.

"I want to see him but every time i go to the door I... I just... I turn back around and sit beside leona and snuggle her in my arms because Im scared to see him again Jon. Leona just turned one. Shes my whole damn world and she hasnt met her father."

"She didnt meet me until today Rie and she seems to like me." Jon offered.

"She will love tyrion..."

"You still love him?"

"I think I do." Rieka agreed. "Is that crazy?"

"See him. I have to find arya." Jon remarked passing leona back. "Talk to him. He loves you still."

"How do you know?"

"A man's intuition." Jon offered. "Who couldnt love you rieka?"  Jon moved to the door to find tyrion pacing and mumbling to himself. "Rieka, you have a vistior."

"Jon-" tyrion declared. "Im not ready-"

"Too late." Jon corrected pulling tyrion in. Rieka sat down as Leona fell into a deep sleep in her arms. She wasnt ready either.

"Rieka." Tyrion breathed back seeing her. A little bundle in her arms. "Rieka..." he repeated as she met his gaze.

"Hello Tyrion. I missed you," Rieka answered.

"I... whos this?" Tyrion questioned standing in front of her.

"Leona Rose Stark... Lannister." Rieka introduced. Tyrion looked at her little arms and little legs and then to perfect Rieka.


"Perfection." Rieka agreed.

"I missed so much." Tyrion remarked through teary eyes.  "Shes so beautiful Rieka." Rieka stroked a finger down her back rocking ever so slightly in the rocking chair.

"I missed you Tyrion

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"I missed you Tyrion." Rieka whimpered.

"I missed you more."

"Tell me about your adventure across the narrow sea." Rieka requested.

"Tell me about Leona." Tyrion countered.

"She is my little snow lion." Rieka remarked proudly. "She roars as good as a lion and she woofs like a puppy-" tyrion finally noticed Avalon sleeping on the bed. "Avalon is her little protector. I think Ghost and her will be having puppies before you known it."

"Her first name day?"

"Last moon. 16th day of the moons cycle." Rieka remarked. "She had cake all over her face all over her everything... I wish you could have seen it."

"My too." Tyrion agreed. "What does she like to do?"

"Eat, sleep, she loves winter berries and cake. So shes just like me." Rieka remarked with a laugh. "She loves avalon crawls after her all the time. Shes a big snuggler. Always needs to be with me. Rarely falls asleep without starting in someones arms."

"Could I... hold her?" Tyrion requested.

"Of course." Rieka agreed. He sat down on the couch and rieka got up sitting beside him. She passed Leona off and her big blue green eyes popped open. She stared back at tyrion curiously before she looked to Rieka.

"Hi honey. Its okay." Rieka coed "meet your daddy." Tyrions heart melted.

"Hi Leona... Leona... lion." Tyrion realized.

"My little snow lion," Rieka agreed.

"Im sorry I wasnt here." Tyrion declared as Leona grabbed his finger giving it a shake like a rattle.

"Im sorry I didnt come with you." Rieka whimpered.

"I missed so much. I dont want to miss anymore."

"I dont want you to leave tyrion. I missed you so much," rieka declared leaning forward and kissing him.

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