27. Don't Jump

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Trustfall/ Jon Snow/ Theon Greyjoy Out now!

"I thought I might find you here." Cersei remarked. 

"WHy did he do it?" Rieka whispered sitting on the catwalk, her legs draped over the edge. Cersei stopped before her waving her guard off. 

"I didnt want him dead." Cersei assured She knew a dead wolf was useless. "I dont know what came over him... I am.... sorry." Rieka looked to her and she didnt seem happy about this. 

"Do you love your father?" 

"I wanted to please my father more than anything." Cersei remarked. "I was never good enough for him though..."

"I was his favorite person and he mine." Rieka remarked. "I loved my father most in the world... he... he..." Avalon nestled against her leg and Rieka let a tear slip. "Let me guess, Joffrey wants to kill my wolf too, make a point?" 

"I told him your wolf is dimwitted." Cersei offered. 


"PLays, eats and sleeps, not smart enough for an attack." 

"Why do that? Sansa told me what happened on the kings road with Lady and Nymeria." 

"We girls have to stick together." 

"I know boys like Joffrey... he is going to do what he wants. He is the king, he doesnt need to listen to his mother, if he ever did."

"My dear... No you don't." Cersei corrected. "You have never met a boy like Joffrey and I pray you never do again." 

"Well struck..." Joffrey remarked softly before a wicked smile curved his face. "Well struck, Dog." Joffrey shouted. Sandor removed his helmet. Joffrey turned to Sansa. " Did you like that?"

"It was well struck, Your Grace." Sansa agreed.

"I already said it was well struck." Joffrey sneered. Sandor looked between them with a groan.

"Yes, Your Grace."

"You are missing the tourney." Cersei remarked. 

"As are you." 

"I'm headed to a council meeting." Cersei remarked. 

"Business never waits... for everyone except the king it seems that tradition is standing strong." Rieka remarked. 

"You should go and celebrate." 

"I should but I don't think I can." Rieka countered. 

"Dont jump Rieka." Cersei offered before turning around and heading out. 

"Death is too easy." Rieka assured. "But I have grown used to the pain."

"Who's next?" Joffrey questioned.

"Lothor Brune, freerider in the service of Lord Baelish." The announcer gestures to a man, who then walks over. "Ser Dontos the Red of House Hollard." The announcer gestures in the opposite direction, but no one came forward. ''Ser Dontos the Red of House Hollard!" The announcer yelled out now.

"Here I am." Dontos stumbled down some stairs, awkwardly clutching his helmet and weapon. "Here I am." he repeated as he dropped his helmet. "Sorry, Your Grace." he offered as he put his helmet on backwards. "My deepest apologies." he went on putting his helmet on correctly this time.

"Are you drunk?" Joffrey demanded and Ser Dontos took off his helmet to formally address the king.

"No. Uh, no, Your Grace. I had - I had two cups of wine."

"Two cups?" Joffrey questioned and Dontos nodded. "That's not much at all". Joffrey gestures to some wine before him. "Please, have another cup."

"Are you sure, Your Grace?" Dontos countered

"Yes, to celebrate my name day." Joffrey agreed a wicked smile on his face. "Have two, have as much as you like." Sansa looked around looking for Rieka but she still wasnt here, Sansa didnt want this to be taken out on herself for Rieka's absence. 

"I would be honored, Your Grace." Ser Dontos bows to Joffrey. Joffrey looked over to Ser Meryn.

"Ser Meryn, help Ser Dontos celebrate my name day. See that he drinks his fill." Joffrey sniggered out.

Ser Meryn and two other kingsguard grab Ser Dontos. They bring him into a more open area nearby. Ser Dontos was forced on his knees. One kingsguard kept Ser Dontos down. Ser Meryn and the other kingsguard got a funnel and a barrel of wine. Ser Meryn forced the funnel into Ser Dontos's mouth. The kingsguard with the barrel began pouring the wine down the funnel. Ser Dontos began gurgling and struggled to breath.

"You can't!" Sansa sputtered.

"Come on Avalon, you know the drill." RIeka remarked heading back to her chambers. "Around joffrey you have to stay put." Avalon grumbled and whined. "Miss you already honey." Rieka assured kissing the top of her head. 

''Did you hear my lady? from this day you will be my new fool.'' Joffrey decreed. Sansa scoffed at the idea of being his lady. Now she would be his queen and she would rather die. She felt so alone. 

''Thank you your Grace and you my lady thank you.' He said bowing before them nervously.

'Beloved nephew' Tyrion said approaching 'we looked for you on the battlefield you were nowhere to be found.' Tyrion remarked pouring a glass of wine.

'I've been here ruling the kingdom's.' Joffrey said pompously.

'And what a fine job you've done...' Tyrion turned to his younger niece and nephew. 'look at you more beautiful than ever and you, you are going to be than the hound but much better looking,' Tyrion said talking to Myrcella and Tommen. 'he doesn't like me,' tyrion said to Bronn, motioning to Sandor.

'I can't understand why...' Bronn said standing next to Sandor.

"We heard you were dead." Joffrey remarked.

"I'm glad you're not dead." Myrcella corrected as Tyrion took a sip of his wine.

"Me, too, dear. Death is so boring, especially now with so much excitement in the world." Tyrion assured before looking to Sansa. "My Lady, I'm sorry for your loss." Tyrion bows to Sansa and Joffrey scowled back at them. "Is Riek-"

"Her loss? Her father was a confessed traitor!" Joffrey reminded him.

"But still her father. Surely having so recently lost your own beloved father you can sympathize." Tyrion offered knowing there was no love between Joffrey and Robert.

" My father was a traitor. My mother and brother are traitors, too. I am loyal to my beloved Joffrey." Sansa assured on command.

" Of course you are." Tyrion smirked sympathetically. "Is your sister..." Sansa looked away though, she couldn't believe this was her life now. "Well," he gulped down his wine, "enjoy your name day, Your Grace. Wish I could stay and celebrate, but there is work to be done." Tyrion began walking away from the tent.

"What work?" Joffrey countered. Bronn and the tribesmen followed Tyrion. Joffrey stood up confused. "Why are you here?"

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