56. Nervous Jitters

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"He's on his way back to Winterfell with Daenerys Targaryen." Bran informed them. Rieka nodded kissing his forehead.

"Thank you baby brother." Rieka whispered as she got up.

"You, you saw this in a vision?" Sam questioned as Bran held up a scroll. Sam read it over and his eyes went wide, not expecting a gift. "Oh."

"He needs to know the truth." Bran remarked. Rieka glanced back at them from the fire.

"The truth about what?"

"About himself. No one knows. No one but me. Jon isn't really my father's son He's the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and my aunt, Lyanna Stark. He was born in a tower in Dorne. His last name isn't really Snow. It's Sand." Bran remarked.

"It's not." Sam corrected knowingly.

"Dornish bastards are named Sand." Bran corrected.

"Jon is..." riekas words barely came out.

"At the Citadel, I transcribed a High Septon's diary. He annulled Rhaegar's marriage to Elia. He wed Rhaegar and Lyanna in a secret ceremony." Sam remarked.

"Are you certain?"

"It's what the High Septon wrote in his private diary. I don't know why he'd lie. Is this something you can see?" Sam questioned.

Bran had seen the wedding.

"Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger. I am hers and she is mine from this day until the end of my days." Rhaegar said as he held to Lyanna's hands.

"Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger. I am his and he is mine from this day until the end of my days." lyanna had echoed happily.

"Robert's Rebellion was built on a lie. Rhaegar didn't kidnap my aunt, or rape her." Bran declared. Rhaegar and Lyanna's loving kiss replayed in Bran's mind. "He loved her. And she loved him."

"Shit." Rieka drawled out.

Lyanna had given birth to Jon, but she is dying. Ned knelt beside her, holding her hand.

"And Jon - Jon's real name." Bran rasped in memory.

"His name is Aegon Targaryen. You have to protect him. Promise me, Ned." Lyanna had rasped with her dying breath.

"He's never been a bastard-- he's the heir to the Iron Throne." Bran realized. "He needs to know. We need to tell him."


"Rieka. Just jon. Then the world." Bran begged.

"Im running on two to three hours of sleep and you expect me to remember to keep a secret that large?" Rieka countered.


"Are you all right?" Arya questioned gently.

" It's just strange. In his own horrible way, I believe he loved me." Sansa remarked.

"You did the right thing." Arya assured her.

"You did it." Sansa corrected wanting to push her guilt off on Arya. Rieka looked between them and the lannisters were bad but were they any better? Lying. Killing. But petyr was evil.

"I'm just the executioner. You passed the sentence. You're the Lady of Winterfell." Arya reminded her. "Shouldnt rieka be the lady of winterfell? She is the eldest."

"I dont want thay burden. I have my hands full with leona. I dont want control of winterfell." Rieka assured. She wanted Jon and Tyrion back. 

Leona grumbled slapping for Riekas chest.

"They are coming." Sansa remarked.

"If you have a child you will know that her needs come before dragon guests." Rieka remarked.

"Your husband-"

"You want her screaming and shouting and ripping off my dress when they get here?" Rieka countered as she moved to her chambers. Leona tugged at her dress as she walked.

They arrived at Winterfell as united front Daenerys and Jon riding side by side Jon wearing all black and Daenerys was an all white everyone stood tall and proudly for the king of the north and the queen.

'The people don't seem so welcoming.' Danny remarked. She stared down pompously at the northerners that lined the pathway as her and her troops came up to the castle.

'I told you they don't take well to outsiders, but they will love you.' Jon assured.

Sandor wish rode in tall and large and arya noticed him she saw the man she left to die, alive and well and with her brother and the dragon queen. Arya was shocked to see him, but he didn't notice her.

'You should consider yourself lucky' Tyrion told Varys 'at least your balls cant freeze off.' Tyrion joked.

'You love telling eunuch jokes... why is that?' varys questioned.

'Because I have balls and you don't' Tyrion told him from inside the carriage.

"You are scared to meet your child," varys corrected.

"Yes." Tyrion admitted. "I tell jokes to mask my uncertainty."

"You worried lady Rieka has moved on?"

"Of course I am. She is stunning and smart and the best mother in the world. I know it for a fact. Of course she found a handsome northern man and probably plump with his baby now!" Tyrion declared through an exasperated breath.

"See her first." Varys suggested. "She might surprise you," tyrion looked out the window the closer they got the more nervoud he was.

Bran sat front and center in front of Winterfell when Jon got there he hugged and kissed his head.

'Look at you he said you're a man' jon said looking at his brother. Sitting in a wheel chair. Immobilized from the fall. He looked for Arya but she was nowhere in sight.

'Almost,' bran corrected.

'Where is arya?' jon asked

'Lurking somewhere' Sansa told him, hugging him as well.

"Rieka?" Jon questioned "the babe?"

"Leona was hungry," sansa answered.

'This is queen Daenerys of house Targaryen this is my sister Sansa stark of Winterfell.'

'Thank you for inviting us, the north is just as beautiful as your brother said you are' danny complimented stiffly.

'The north is yours your grace' sansa said bitterly.

'We do not have time for this' bran told them 'the night king has your dragon he's one of them now the wall has fallen dead march south.'

Rieka was nervous. She was scared to see Tyrion again. She had wanted to but now that he was here. Sure leona did have to eat but she wasnt starving. Rieka could have been there but she was scared. She didnt want to see tyrion and have him be a different person from when he left. She couldnt breathe at the thought of her tyrion changing so much with the moons. Years... almost two years had passed. Leona just had her first name day. Rieka wanted to break down and sob that he missed so much and yet she couldnt leave her room terrified of what was to come.

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