12. Mermaids

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The Lucky One / Rhaenys Targaryen / Taelon Targaryen 

''His lungs and his heart all fried up but when you're 100 miles north of the wall if you ask me you leave nothing for the wolves.'' Yoren remarked. Rieka yawned out as she took a seat beside Tyrion. She pulled a piece of bread to her. 

''And how do bears balls taste?' Tyrion questioned.

"Don't-" Rieka begged. 

''A bit chewy. What about you my Lord what is the strangest thing you've eaten?' Tyrion chuckled.

'Do dornish girl count?' Tyrion questioned. Rieka put her bread down. 

"I'm not hungry, this is the table talk you start the day with?" Rieka questioned with a fake gag. "Bear balls and- Tyrion." she shook her head. 

"You want to taste me?" Tyrion mused smiling back at her. 

"You wish." Rieka corrected. 

"I do." Tyrion agreed. Rieka blushed turning away so he couldnt see her cheeks turning red. 

"uncle Benjen," Rieka got up moving to him. "DOnt leave, just stay a little longer." She begged hugging him tight. 

'Ah Ranger Benjen..." Tyrion remarked. "so you wander the seven kingdoms collecting pickpockets and horse thieves bringing here?' Tyrion questioned.

'Well it's not all bad, some of them are just poor lads looking to be set free some of them are highborn lads looking for glory.' Benjen told them. He kept a tight hold of Rieka.  'The nights watch is important but you must think us a bunch of jesters and fools?' Benjen questioned.

'You don't have enough men to be an army.' Tyrion informed them taking a sip from his jug.

'You have plenty of stories to tell when you go back to Kings Landing when you're drinking your wine down there enjoying your brothels, half the boys you see training will die north the wall. Might be sickness might just be the cold they die in pain and they do it so plump little lords like you can enjoy afternoons of peace and comfort.' Benjen told him.

'Do you think I'm plump?' Tyrion questioned RIeka. Rieka knew her family and the lannisters were not friendly but maybe a union would really fix that. Tyrion wasnt like his siblings.  ''Listen Benjen, may I call you benjen?"

"Call me what you like." Benjen countered uninterested. 

"I'm not sure what I've done to offend you I have great admiration for the nights watch and I have great admiration for you as a first ranger-' Tyrion told him.

'You know my brother once told me that nothing anyone says before the word but really counts.' Benjen said waiting for the but. Rieka smirked leaning into him. 

'But,' Tyrion added 'I don't believe that Giants and ghouls and white walkers are looking beyond the wall."

"Anything is possible." Rieka corrected as Avalon jumped up stealing food from the table, Ghost growled at her snapping, trying to get it from her but she leapt past him. Ghost's nose followed the smell snatching food right from Tyrion's plate. Rieka chuckled watching them. Tyrion cleared his throat before continuing. 

"I believe that the only difference between us and the wildlings are in that wall was built and our ancestors just so happen to live on the right side of it.' Tyrion went on.

'the Wildlings are no different from us, a little rougher maybe but they are made of meat and I know how to track them. I know how to kill them so the Wildlings give the slickest blades... you've never been north of the wall so don't tell me what's out there.' Benjen instructed kissing RIeka's head. 

Boys Like You / Tyrion LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now