42. Gone

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Tyrion took quick steps to get to her and she nodded eagerly. 

''I don't mean to sound... I don't want you to think that...'' he didn't know what to say, how to tell her but her lips met his and his hands wrapped around her. a heated frenzy of lips melding and tongues touching his hands roaming as she pulled at his shirt. He didn't want to presume his hands stopped at the laces of her dress. So he brought his lips back to hers. Consuming her. He tilted her head back further, biting and sucking on her lips until he finally managed to break the kiss, moving his mouth to her exposed throat. He licked and sucked, bite and kiss, living for the noises coming from inside of her.

She was divine. Rieka was his. His wife, his love, she was all his. Watching her flesh turn pink drove him wild. He kissed lower, bite her clavicle, licking the top of her tits.

He wasted no time, pressing into her, taking her by the mouth again. He knelt at the foot of his bed, softly kissing the insides of her knees, spreading her legs a little wider. He pushed the dress higher, kissing a trail over her thighs.

Then he placed a kiss on top of her panties. She griped the bed sheets as her breathing gets faster and harder. He could feel her body resisting the urge to arch toward him, to invite more touch. He propped himself up enough to look into her eyes, darkened and swirling. His thumbs hooked into the edge of her panties, and he slid them down until they fall to the floor. His hands cupped her ass as he gazed down at her sensitive flesh.

He lowered and licked the center of her slowly, then blow. She arched and moaned. He licked again, swirling his tongue in circles until he felt her legs start to shake. Then he pulled away and blow against her skin again. She moaned louder, covering her mouth.

"No one can hear you," he whispered against her. 'even if they could, does it matter?" Tyrion questioned and Rieka shook her head. Let them hear, let them all know. Someone wanted her, wanted her body and mind, wanted to ravish her with their tongue and body. Her husband, that was still weird, but a good weird. She moved her hand back to the sheets, gripping them tighter. He licked again then sucked on her clit, lapping his tongue against her over and over, her back arching, legs wobbling. Rieka pressed herself into his mouth, a plea for more.

Licking the taste of her from his lips, he stood and started to unbuckle his pants but the appeal of her body bare for him stopped him.

'Take it off.' She commanded him and he pulled, hands gliding the dress down her every curve. Perfection. Her dress crumpled at her feet, the candle light illuminating her porcelain flesh and he was mesmerized by her. Milky skin. Big wanting eyes. So sweet and his. RIeka picked up where Tyrion was frozen in place, continuing to unbuckle his pants. He dropped his hands to his sides, letting her take the lead. Hooking her hands into the top of his underwear and pants at the same time, pulling everything down in one fluid motion. All at once, he was exposed and she wrapped her hand around him, looking up at him. He didn't know it was possible to look so angelic and devilish at the at the same time.

Pulling him down to her, touching every inch of her as his lips dragged along her skin.

She didn't know sex could feel like this, two bodies becoming one, he tended to every inch of her, lips trailing along her skin as his hands wandered, pulling, teasing, pinching her body. Stealing her breath she wrapped her legs around his waist keeping him to her as his lips found hers again.

Rieka woke up with lots of little love bites on her neck and chest. Snuggled up next to a warm body. Not just any body. Her husband.


"This is fun." Rieka offered as they got a drink. Tyrion smiled back at her. "A party, how many parties is joffrey planning on having before his actual wedding, we were very efficient compared to him." 

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