Chapter 1- Gus's POV

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If there was one thing Gus knew it was that Mattholomule was the worst.

He was a selfish, lying brat who couldn't be trusted.

These were the thoughts Gus forced himself to think every single time he saw him. These were the words that Luz and Willow were constantly forced to hear.

"Hey Gus!" Luz said. Gus smiled. "Hey."

"Uh oh, why the long face? Did something happen?" She asked him.

He thought about his response. Technically nothing happened, but Gus was always in a bad mood whenever Matt crossed his mind, which much to his dismay, was all the time.

Ever since that incident with the HAS (human appreciation society) happened, Gus felt awkward even thinking about Matt.

"No nothing happened, don't worry about it." He replied. She rolled her eyes, clearly not believing him in the slightest.

"I don't get why you still think about what happened with Mattholomule all those months ago." Luz said. Gus truly didn't get it either.  Sure, Matt tried to steal his position as president, but other than that, he hasn't spoken to Gus at all.

Luz left to go to her next class and Gus was left alone in the empty hallway, still thinking about Mattholomule, and still wishing he wasn't.

Hey everyone! this was a very short chapter, but it is my first story. so I hope you guys liked it!! If anyone who is more experienced with writing than I am has any tips for me, that would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!!

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