Chapter 3-Gus's POV

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"AUGUSTUS?!" Mattholomule yelled.

Gus's heart was pounding and he could feel his face start to burn. What was he doing here? and more importantly why was Gus so nervous to see him?

He wasn't really paying attention to the conversation he was having with this Bria girl. Something about galdorstones and whatever. Before he knew it he was agreeing to go with them, and had a pocket full of glyphs that he had no clue how to use. 

The whole trip he was talking to Bria, which for some reason Mattholomule seemed to be unhappy about, Gus ended up just assuming he had some sort of crush on her, and that was it. 

He felt a pang of jealousy but couldn't tell who it was for. 

Despite the journey to these ancient ruins where the galderstones should supposedly lie being a long and strenuous expedition, it felt quick.

Maybe this feeling was because Gus was having a pretty good time talking to Bria, he felt that he really connected with her in a way, and in spite of Mattholomules attempts to make Gus look bad, Bria didn't care, in fact she was completely ignoring him the whole trip, other than a dirty look every once and a while to tell him to shut up.

Gus felt this chill down his spine while walking through this forest, as if something bad was going to happen, as if this was all a bad ide-

"AAAHG!" he heard Mattholomule scream and was immediately snapped out of his anxious thoughts. 

Mattholomule had been suspended in the air by his ankle by some creepy white snake. Although Gus was feeling nervous for several different reasons, he played it cool as he went to go help him from this creature. 

"Don't worry Matty, I gotcha." he announced confidently. "HEY ONLY BRIA CAN CALL ME TH-" Mattholomule barked before he was interrupted by the serpent releasing him from its grasp and dropping him directly on his head, leaving a bloody scratch on his forehead.

Gus winced at the mark left on the boy. He definitely did not mean for that to happen and felt really guilty about it, but decided to keep on playing it cool and continue on with the journey.

The group very quickly arrived to the ruins, much to Gus's surprise. 

"Angmar, your on lookout duty." Bria said to a short boy who was chasing after a butterfly. Gus's stomach turned as he saw Bria's normally kind expression change to one of hatred with the blink of an eye. "And if I catch you playing with any more bugs I'll make you eat them!" she  warned him with a sick sense of false sweetness scratching her voice.

Gus's eyes widened in shock at these aggressive words coming from someone he perceived to be as a selfless, caring and respectful witch. 

The rest of the group continued on into these ruins and Gus felt a sense of bewilderment at the stone statues that were lined up all around the ruins. He looked around at these statues while the other grabbed all the galdorstones they could carry. He noticed plates on the statues saying words and that chill in his spine crept up on him again as he read them aloud.

"The phantom bringer, The vision creator, The mirage maker." Gus could basically hear his own heartbeat in his chest as he came to realize that these were all titles for illusionists, and these "ruins" were in fact an illusionist graveyard. 

Hey everybody! I hope you liked this chapter. I'm aware that this is basically a re-telling of season 2 episode 5, "through the looking glass ruins". The next chapter will also be a retelling, starting from where this one finished off, just from Mattholomules POV. I personally am not a big fan of re-tellings, however I think this episode is extremely important to Matt's character development. Thank you so much for reading!!

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