Chapter 6-Mattholomules POV

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"Where were you yesterday Matty?" Bria asked Mattholomule angrily as she gave him an aggressive shove into the wall.

He knew he couldn't tell her he was helping Gus at the graveyard. Titan knows what she would do if he told her that.

"Relax I just lost track of time." Matt lied. She gave him a dirty look. "All of you assholes left me!" She screamed. "You aren't the only one who's getting in trouble now, I bet it's a nice change for you. Y'know, because you're the screw up." She stated as she gave him a final push.

He felt the skin on his knee tear open and he winced in pain. The school bell rung and Matt ran into the bathroom.

He looked at his wound, luckily it wasn't too bad. He started to dab his bloody knee with a wet paper towel when he heard a familiar voice say his name. 

"Mattholomule? Are you okay?" Gus asked him. Matt was startled and choked. "Augustus! Um... yeah I'm fine. I just... fell on my way to school." Mattholomule cringed at his own obvious lie. Gus seemed to believe it anyways. 

"You need to be more careful, you're gonna get hurt bad one of these days, Matty." Gus said to him gently. "Only Bria can-'' he muttered.

"Yeah yeah, I know. Only Bria can call you that." 

Mattholomule didn't have the heart to tell him why he wouldn't let anyone else call him Matty.

"Sit." Gus said as he pointed to the sink counter. Mattholomule listened. Gus took the paper towel and wiped the blood off his leg. Matt see his face turn bright red in the mirror. 

"You get hurt a lot." Gus announced. "I always see you come to school with bruises or scrapes."

"You watch me?" Matt asked him. Gus's eyes widened at the question. "No! I mean I don't watch you, watch you, but I see you." He rambled.

They both sat in silence for a minute while Gus held a paper towel to Matt's injured knee.

"I never... hated you, Augustus." he whispered.

Gus looked at him for a long time. Mattholomule sat there on that counter wondering what he was thinking in that moment. Whatever he was thinking didn't matter. Even if they were sort of friends now, it's not like Gus would ever want to be seen with him. They hated each other, and everyone knew it.

 Matt imagined what everyone would think if they found out him and Gus were sitting in the bathroom, weirdly close to each other and talking to each other like friends would. Everyone would flip. It seems almost impossible. It couldn't happen. If they were going to be friends it would have to be private. Sure, Mattholomule loved drama, but not like this.

"Gus." he finally said after what felt like an hour. "What?" Matt replied. "Its not Augustus. It's Gus." Gus said as he pulled a bandage out of his pocket and began to wrap it around Mattholomules knee. 

"Oh. Okay, Gus." Matt chucked. Gus stepped away from him and started to walk out the door. 

"Gus wait." Matt began to say. "Thank you for helping me just now. And for what its worth I'm sorry. Y'know, for what I did to you." 

Gus smiled politely at him, and left the bathroom, leaving Mattholomule alone with his thoughts.

Hey everyone! Short-ish chapter today because I was busy these past few days, sorry about that. Hope you guys liked reading this chapter as much as I liked writing it!

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