Chapter 5-Gus's POV

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Gus explained his plan to scare away the Glandus kids to the older illusionist man and Mattholomule in great detail. He told them carefully about how much concentration it would take and how much help he would need.

"Are you gonna be okay after all that?" Mattholomule asked him, concerned.

Gus raised his eyebrows at Matt's sudden worrying. "Yeah, I'll be fine." he responded.

Time skip bc I don't wanna write all that :)

After the others all ran away scared the old man came up to Gus to congratulate him on his success. "I wish I could repair all the damage they did to the graveyard." Gus said to him.

His guilt was disrupted when Mattholomule spoke up. "Um... maybe I can help?"

Together Gus and Mattholomule did their best to repair the broken statues. As they were rebuilding the graveyard they talked, and Gus was starting to think he might not be as bad as he once thought. 

"Why do you hang out with Bria?" Gus asked Mattholomule. He gave him a blank stare. It seemed to take him a while to actually answer this question. 

"Validation." he replied finally. "Also why do you care?" Gus was taken aback by this. Why did he care? It wasn't like he and Mattholomule were friends. 

"I don't know. I guess I was just wondering. I see the way she treats you." Gus turned to look at him. "You don't deserve that Mattholomule." he admitted.

He sneered. "Yes I do." 

Gus didn't really know what to say to this. Should he argue with him? Should he say how he isn't the bad guy he makes himself out to be? He took a deep breath as he thought about his response. 

"How's your head?"

Matt twisted his head and gave Gus a strange and confused look. "Y'know? your head? That thing on your shoulders?" Gus joked. Mattholomule smiled and rolled his eyes. "I'm fine, it's not the first time I've been dropped on my head." He replied. "Well clearly. I'm assuming it happened a lot when you were a baby." Gus laughed. Matt just laughed along with him. They spent the rest of the day cleaning up the graveyard and laughing and making jokes.

"So does this mean we're like friends now?" Gus asked. He could see the awkward look on Mattholomules face when he said this, and immediately regretted it. 

"I... don't know."  Matt replied as he walked away, Gus following after. "Squirt." he chucked as he playfully shoved Gus. "Jerk." Gus said as he did the same.

Gus didn't know much about Mattholomule, but he felt like he was probably on his way to becoming his friend.

Hey! This was a bit of a shorter chapter because I'm lazy, hope you guys enjoyed it anyway!

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