Chapter 8-Mattholomules POV

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"Where you been all night Matts?" Mattholomules brother, Steve, asked him when he got home.

"Out." He replied as he pushed past him.

"Out where?" Steve pushed.

"Why the hell do you care? I was just hanging out with a friend okay?"

"Jeez Matts, You okay?" His brother asked him, looking concerned.

"I'm fine, Steve. Just... leave me alone." He answered and stomped down the hallway.

Mattholomule flopped onto his bed and listened to his scroll buzz for the fifth time in the past two minutes. Bria was trying to talk to him. He didn't know or care why, he just didn't want to talk to her. 

He put his scroll on silent mode and put his headphones in. 

His day was going pretty good until Bria started spam calling him. He didn't answer the calls but saw a couple of the texts. something about "betrayal" and whatever. He was getting sick of her bullshit, and so were the other boys.

He did ditch her today to hang out with Gus, but he was okay with the consequences that came with that.

Mattholomule barely knew Gus, but he was already nicer to him than anyone had ever been.

Gus had way more friends that Matt ever could. He was smart, friendly and kind. Three things Mattholomule could never be. I mean, as if he would even want to. He didn't need friends.

Mattholomules whole life he would search for respect. Even though he would never receive it, he would try as hard as he possibly could to get it, sometimes even hurting people in the process.

Most of the time the people he hurt would just ignore him, not talk to him, pretend he wasn't even alive and whatnot, so he was used to it by now. It was different with Gus. Gus wanted to make Matt like him. It's funny how two people so different could actually be so similar. 

Suddenly he heard a knock on his bedroom door. He hear his brothers voice talking on the other end. 

"There's someone here to see you Matts." 

What? Someone here this late? Matt thought to himself as he checked his watch. 9:30. Not late but not early enough for visitors. 

Mattholomule took out his headphones and walked down the hallway to the front door. He felt anxious as he opened it, wondering who it would be. 

"Hey Matty."


"What in titans name do you want Bria?" Matt asked the purple haired witch angrily

"Calm down Matty, I just want to talk. I was thinking we could take a walk around the neighborhood?" She replied with the fakest sweet tone in her voice that it made Matt feel sick. 

"Ugh. Y'know what fine. It's not like I have anything better to do." he said to her as he stepped outside and pulled the door closed behind him. 

They started walking down the street, Mattholomule making sure to keep a safe distance from her. 

They were walking for about ten minutes and Bria hadn't said anything yet. 

"Bria you told me you wanted to talk. SO TALK." he yelled.

"You ditched me Matty. All of you did." she said through her teeth.

Matt inhaled sharply. "You can't just force us to do whatever you want, Bria." 

She rolled her eyes. "I don't think you understand me right now. You. Ditched. Me. Do you realize how embarrassing it was for me to just stand there all by myself? Or does your puny little brain not get it?"

Mattholomule stopped walking. "I'm so done with you Bria. I mean it this time. I am so sick of your shit." 

She just looked at him, clearly shocked at his aggression. Her shocked expression then turned into her usual evil one as she stepped closer to where Matt was standing. 

"You don't know what you're saying Matty." She whispered as she grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. 

Matt's blood went cold and he felt like he couldn't breathe. 

"No wonder you couldn't handle Glandus." Bria said as her fist crashed down onto his nose.

He heard the crack of his nose probably breaking when pain shot around his entire head. His ears were ringing and his eyes were watering. Bria then pushed him onto the street.

"If you don't wanna hang out with me anymore that's fine. I never really liked you anyway. Just don't mess with me you little fucker."

And with that she walked away, leaving him bleeding on the ground. 

Shit. Shit shit shit. Matt thought. They had walked quite a bit away from his house, and He didn't bring his scroll so it's not like he could call for help. 


Matt looked around, trying to see if he recognized where he was. He frantically scanned his surroundings when he noticed a house. A house he was literally just at. Gus's house. 

He scrambled off the pavement holding his bloody nose and dragged himself up the driveway. 

He didn't really want to ask Gus for help, he had already helped him clean his knee in the bathroom this morning. 

He's gonna think I'm some sort of klutsy little freak if I keep getting his help when I'm hurt. Mattholomule thought to himself.

He just stood there on Gus's doorstep bleeding and contemplating whether or not he should ask for help. 

Matt sighed and rang the doorbell. He already felt like he was going to pass out, It's not like he could just walk home now.

He could hear footsteps inside, making their way to the door. He silently prayed that Gus would be the one to answer instead of his dad or someone. 

The door slowly creaked open and his anxiety relieved a bit when he saw who was behind it. 

He watched the expression Gus's face turn from confused to shocked. Gus covered his mouth right as a gasp came out. 


Hey! I hope you guys liked this chapter! I was absolutely tearing myself apart trying to decide if I should write this chapter sooner or later, but I decided on sooner due to the fact that I just love angst. Tysm for reading!

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