Chapter 14-Mattholomule's POV

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(This is basically a re-telling of Labyrinth Runners from Matt's POV btw)

Mattholmule stood on the gym floor, looking up at the stage. For some reason the head of the illusion coven was here, saying he didn't have good news or whatever. He wasn't really paying attention. He looked around the gym, hoping to see Gus there too. He felt relieved when his eyes finally landed on him, and couldn't help but smile as he walked over.

"Do you know what this is all about?" Matt asked Gus. He noticed Gus awkwardly avoid eye contact with him as he shook his head. Matt raised an eyebrow. "You good?" He asked.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine just...didn't get much sleep."

Matt nodded and tried to ignore how weird he was acting. He'd been acting like this for around a week now, so roughly a few days after Matt got out of the hospital. He couldn't help but feel a bit worried, he thought maybe he had done something wrong. 

He looked back up at the stage and tried to focus on what was being said. The man on the stage, Adrian Graye, was explaining how the emperor wanted everybody to join a coven before the day of unity. Matt hadn't really given the day of unity much thought, that was, until he heard this. He was pissed to say the least, he'd only been doing illusion track for a few days and now he wasn't allowed to anymore? Bullshit.

"Mother Titan!" Matt yelled, angrily ripping off his blue sleeves and throwing them on the floor. 

Gus chuckled as Principal Bump explained how they would still be allowed to practice magic peacefully, which immediately caused Mattholomule to feel horribly embarrassed. Adrian Graye explained how he was going to put illusions of fake sigils on all the students. He looked over at Gus and noticed the suspicious expression on his face. 

"Gus..." Matt started to say before Gus interrupted him.

"Stop! Don't trust him! He's hiding behind an illusion!" Gus yelled, pointing a finger at Adrian, who was about to place an illusion sigil on some boys arm.

Matt raised an eyebrow. 

Illusion? How could he tell?

He couldn't help but feel impressed as he watched Adrian Graye reveal that Gus was right, but also felt nervous when he saw how many coven scouts appeared. 

There's no way Steve could be here, right?

He soon realized it didn't matter if he was here or not when he saw Adrian grab Gus's arm. He felt like he should try to help but was also terrified that something might happen to him if he did. His eyes widened as he watched Adrian put the sigil glove on.

"Let's make sure you can never use your little illusion tricks again." Adrian said.

Matt winced and looked around the room frantically to see everybody else's reaction. They, like him, were just standing there doing nothing. Even Principal Bump was just watching it all happen. He watched Gus yell at Adrian and suddenly, within the blink of an eye, the room started to change. Right before his eyes he watched the Hexside gym turn into a thousand different places at once. As he was running he watched the room shift. That was when he noticed a place he remembered very well. The graveyard.

Finally it stopped and Mattholomule found himself standing in what looked like a bedroom. He blinked a few times to make sure he was seeing things clearly. 

"What the..."

He walked around the room, but stopped dead in his tracks when he noticed the desk. More specifically what was on it. There was two objects on the desk that looked exactly like those fake human artifacts he made all those months ago. He picked up the one that he said was a human scull and inspected it.

Yep. Definitely it.

Matt narrowed his eyes as he set the "skull" back down on the desk. He turned his head and noticed the wall. 

He stepped away from the desk and moved closer to the wall. There was a few pictures there. Pictures of Gus and his friends. His eyes scanned the cluster of photos and he chuckled as he noticed how happy Gus looked in them. 

That was when he noticed another picture. It was of him. He was wearing a stupid party hat on his head and was giving Gus a dirty look. Gus had his arm wrapped around Matt and was sticking his tongue out at the camera. They both looked like total idiots but Matt would be lying if he said that he didn't like it.

"What are you staring at, loser?" 

Matt rolled his eyes and turned around. Boscha was standing behind him, leaning against the doorway. 

"Nothing. Screw off." He crossed his arms over his chest. "What are you even doing here? Shouldn't you be looking for the others?"

She narrowed her eyes and walked closer to him. 

"I could ask you the same thing. But it looks like your just standing here looking at..."

She paused as she noticed the pictures on the wall. Matt raised an eyebrow as he noticed her cocky expression fade to sort of a jealous one. He realized she was staring at a picture of Luz and Amity.

"Boscha-" He started to say before she rolled her eyes and stepped away from the wall.

"Lets go, freak, we need to find the others." She snapped as she stomped out the door

Matt gave her a dirty look and followed after her, but not before taking one last look at the pictures on the wall.

Hey! Thanks for reading this chapter. I just want to let you guys know that the next chapter will also be from Matt's POV because this episode was basically from Gus's.

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