Chapter 10-Mattholomule's POV

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Matt woke up in the hospital bed, a little confused but slowly starting to regain his memories of the night before.

He looked around the room and saw his brother sitting on a chair next to his bed.

Steve's eyes lit up when he noticed Matt was awake. "Hey, buddy. How you feeling?"

Mattholomule reached up to his face and touched his nose, wincing at the pain it caused to touch it. He gently ran his finger along the bandage.

"I don't know. My nose hurts a lot."

Steve lightly chuckled and stood up from the chair he was sitting in.

"Alright Matts I gotta go to work, you get some rest okay?"

Matt nodded in agreement as his brother left the room. He watched him walk down the hallway and picked up his scroll off the bedside table.


come 2 the hospital after school

Matt set his phone back down and waited for Gus to reply. He lied there in the hospital bed with a slight expression of regret on his face. Maybe it would be better if Gus didn't show up? He didn't want anyone to see them together. At the same time he really wanted to see him, for whatever reason.

He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard his scroll buzz


come 2 the hospital after school

It's Saturday. Do u just want me to come now?

Mattholomule slapped his forehead at his own forgetfulness, sending a slight pain into his nose, then started to type.


come 2 the hospital after school

It's Saturday. Do u just want me to come now?

Yah sure, whatever

If u want


Mattholomule smiled a little. "Smart move, playing it cool". He thought to himself.

He sat there and waited around 20-ish minutes before he heard a small knock on the door. He looked up and saw Gus standing in the doorway with a sad, sympathetic look on his face.

"Hey Mr.President." Matt said

Gus rolled his eyes and laughed a little. "So how's your nose?" He asked as he walked up to him and sat down in the chair next to the bed.

Matt shrugged. "Hurts. I'll get over it though."

Gus chuckled. "Titan, you're a lot of trouble aren't you?"

"More than I'm worth."

Gus leaned over and put his hand on top of Matt's. "I don't know about that."

Matt could basically hear his heartbeat in his chest.

Suddenly a grumpy looking nurse stomped in. "Hey! Visiting hours are over!"

Matt checked the time on his scroll. 7:16 pm


Gus stood up. "I'll see you later, okay?"

Matt smiled and nodded, trying to conceal how upset he was that Gus was leaving so soon.

He lied back down in the bed and rolled over. He just scrolled on penstagram for probably a good 2 hours when he received a text message.


open the window

Matt sat up.


open the window


Matt climbed out of bed and went over to the window on the other side of the room and looked out. Sure enough Gus was right there on the other side. Matt slid open the window and puled Gus inside.

"Dude what are you doing here, it's-" Matt grabbed Gus's arm and checked the watch he always had on for some reason. "-it's way past visiting hours!"

Gus smiled. "What you just wanna sit here all bored for who knows how long?

Matt laughed. "You are insane, Gus."

"Does your nose hurt too bad or do you wanna..." Gus motions to the open window. "Leave?"

He laughed again and looked out the window, then back at the hospital bed.

Gus held out his hand, offering for Matt to go with him.

Matt thought for a minute. Should he stay in this bland, boring hospital room all night, or should he climb out the window with Augustus Porter? There was the chance that someone would catch them, but was it worth the risk? Was Gus worth the risk? He looked at the boy standing in front of him, and that was all he really needed to know his answer.

He took his hand.

"Do you even have to ask?"

Hey everyone! Thanks for reading this chapter! I haven't posted in a little bit, I was just lazy tbh, sorry about that!

Mr. President-gustholomuleWhere stories live. Discover now