Chapter 9-Gus's POV

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Gus just stands there, his hand over his mouth, a million thoughts running through his head.

What happened to him? Why did he come here? Who did this?

"You- you're bleeding..." Gus stutters.

"Probably yeah." He replies sarcastically. "Can I come in?"

Gus nods his head and takes Mattholomule by the hand at leads him inside.

"Do you... need anything?" He asks him. "Could you just get me ice, please?" Matt sighs and sits down on the floor. Gus nods and gets him the ice. 

Gus carefully holds the ice to Matt's nose. "What... what happened?" he asks.

Mattholomule immediately looks uncomfortable at the question, and hesitates before answering. 

"Bria sort of... came to my house. She asked me to go for a walk to talk about something. Then I got mad at her when we were walking. Told her I was sick of her."

Gus's jaw drops. He puts his hand on Matt's knee. 

"And she... hit you?" 

Mattholomule nods. Gus just sat there on his kitchen floor, holding the ice to the boys bloody nose. He looks at the expression on his face. He didn't look scared, or upset. He just looked tired. 

"Can you call my brother?" Matt asks Gus before wiping his blood on his sleeve.

"Yeah. Yeah I'll do that." Gus says.

Matt gives him Steve's number and Gus starts to leave the kitchen to make the call, when Matt grabs him by his leg. 

"Just... stay. Please?" 

Gus looks down at him. His face and clothes are stained with blood and he looks like he's about to pass out. This boy is just sitting on Gus's kitchen floor bleeding. 

"Okay..." Gus whispers and sits back down next to Matt as he dials Steve's number and explains to him what happened.

Matt smiles when Gus hangs up. "Is he coming?" He asks.

"Yeah dude, he'll be here soon, then he'll take you to the hospital."

Mattholomule nods. "Are you coming?"

Gus thinks about his answer for a moment. "Do you... want me to?"

Matt goes silent, obviously thinking about if he wants to be seen around Gus in this condition. He doesn't answer. 

Gus hears a vehicle pull into his driveway. "That must be your brother."

He can hear footsteps sprinting up the driveway and there is a loud knock on the door.

"MATTS?" The panicked voice yells from the other side of the door. 

Gus stand up to open the door, and before he even opens it all the way Steve pushes through and runs into the house. The man's eyes frantically search Gus's house until the fall onto Matt, still sitting on the white kitchen tile. The panic in his eyes flashes to a shocked one in a second. 

"Matts..." He says as he walks up to his little brother. "C'mon, we're going to the hospital okay?"

Matt struggles to stand up and Steve puts Matt's arm around his neck to help him walk.

"Thank you." He says to Gus as he drags his brother out the door.

Gus nods and turns away, then he hears Mattholomule say his name.


He turns back around to see what it is Matt has to say. 

"Don't tell anyone about this. Got it?"

Gus smiles. "Got it."

And with that Steve closes the door behind him, leaving Gus standing in the hall, still a little shocked by the situation. 

He wanted to call Willow or Luz so bad. But he knew how that would go. They would just lecture him. About hanging out with Mattholomule, about lying to them, about everything really. It was at this point Gus knew he had to keep Matt a secret. Maybe at some point he wouldn't anymore, but for now it was just the safest option. 

Gus sighed and went upstairs to lay down in his bed for the first time that night. 

He always thought Matt was sort of a piece of shit. He never imagined that he would have been sitting on his kitchen floor with a bloody nose. He never would have imagined himself even liking him. But he did. He liked him. Matt was still an asshole but it didn't really matter to Gus, in fact that's what he liked about him. 

Gus lied awake in his bed all night, wondering if Matt was okay.

Hey! This is a bit shorter than I planned to make it, I've just been having a bit of writers block lately. Thank you for reading!

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