Chapter 2-Mattholomules POV

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Mattholomule never had much of a problem with lying. He would do it all the time as a kid. Whether he was lying to his mother about breaking a vase, or to his older brother about stealing his clothes, he never really had any remorse for lying, or how those lies affected people.

That was until he met Augustus Porter.

Augustus was different than everyone else he had ever wronged, the way Mattholomule's actions affected Augustus actually made him feel bad about what he did to him. But of course he couldn't say that to him. Matt had a reputation to uphold, and nobody would take him seriously if they knew how often he thought about this boy, and how awful he felt about himself for what he did to him.

Matt had previously gone to Glandus high before he switched to Hexside, and to say the least things were a bit different there. The Glandus kids were meaner and tougher than the Hexside kids.

As his old classmate Bria would always say, "you can have anything you want, if you're strong enough to take it."

Mattholomule had never truly liked Bria or her "friends", but he would always try to impress them whenever he got the chance. Despite the amount of times Bria would mock him, insult him, and even sometimes hit him, he would always come crawling back to her.

From an outsiders perspective it might seem as though Matt might be in love with her, but this was not the case. In fact it wasn't the case for any girls, and Mattholomule knew from a very young age that it never would be.

He suddenly snapped out of his thoughts when he realized that he was late to meet up with Bria, Gavin and Angmar. He didn't really want to hang out with them, but he wasn't really given much of a choice, they needed this map to find something called the galdorstones.

He could see her purple hair in the distance and ran up to her. He already noticed how Bria and her gang just finished saving a baby from some sort of creature, he was glad he didn't have to help but knew if he didn't give a proper explanation as to why he would have to face the consequences.

Mattholomule started blabbering on about how there was this other baby in danger when he noticed how unusually calm Bria was being. It was as if she didn't want to show her true self at this moment...

"Mattholomule?" A voice said, barely three feet away from him. Matt froze. He could hear his heart beating.


Hey! To whoever is reading this right now I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I have been a bit busy recently but I am trying my hardest to write as much as I can!! Thank you for reading! 😁

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