Chapter 11-Gus's POV

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(I was listening to this song on loop while writing this chapter and I just thought it fit really well idk)

"C'mon Matt!" Gus yelled as Mattholomule followed shortly behind him.

Gus smiled as he felt the wind blow on his face.
"Augustus slow down!" Matt yells.

Gus laughed and turned around, walking backwards.

"You're pretty slow, man." Gus says while trying to hold back laughter.

Matt playfully shoves him. "Shut up. Where are we even going?"

A mischievous grin creeps up on Gus's face.
"Remember how you told me that you wanted to learn some illusion tricks?"

Matt nodded. "Yeah, I remember." 

"Well how would you feel about learning a couple?"

Matt laughed and Gus felt sort of a nervous feeling in his stomach, but shook it off.

Gus cleared his throat. "We could go to the graveyard?"

Matt smiled at him. "Yeah sure." 

Time skip to them at the graveyard

"Alright Gus what are you gonna teach me? Are we gonna do the trick you did to scare Bria and the guys away?" Matt asked him with an eager look on his face.

Gus laughs. "Slow down buddy, we're gonna start simple."

Matt nods. "Okay. like what."

"Maybe something like... this." He says as he makes a circular motion with his finger, causing what looked like a small cluster of blue stars to appear in the air. 

Gus looked at Matt and smiled. "Do you think you can do that?" He asked him.

"Mhm." Matt replied with sort of an awkward or embarrassed expression on his face, which confused Gus, but he chose to ignore it.

Gus stared at him as he tried to mimic the trick. He smiled politely at Matt when he successfully created the same small cluster of stars.

"Great job! That was really good for your first time!" Gus exclaimed. "Do you want to keep practicing?"

"Yeah sure, that was easy." Matt replies. 

Gus nods and smiles. "Okay so now we're going to try something a little different." He paused for a second. "I mean, only if you can handle it." Gus says to Matt with a small smirk on his face.

Matt rolls his eyes. "Of course I can handle it you jerk." He says as he playfully pushes Gus.

"Okay okay, whatever you say." Gus laughs. "We're gonna do a more... complicated illusion. So the one we just did was stars right? This time we're gonna make one of the moon." He said as he points up to the sky. 

"The moon? Yeah I think I can do that." Matt says, with that same slightly nervous expression on his face.

"Here, I'll show you first." Gus says as he does the circular motion with his finger again, and a small illusion of the moon appears in front of him. 

Matt nods. "Yeah I think I can do that." He says as he does it absolutely wrong.

Gus chuckles. "No here its more like this." He says and takes Matt's hands into his own and guides them into making the circular motion. 

"Oh... well whatever I was close enough." Matt said as he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. 

Gus laughed and held the moon illusion in his palm. "You're doing pretty good so far, Matt."

Gus noticed that same embarrassed expression on Matt's face. 

"Hey are you alright?"

Matt looked at him. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Gus smiled and nodded. "Okay." He looked at his watch. "It's late. We should probably get you back to the hospital before anyone notices that you're gone."

"Yeah, you're probably right, squirt." 

Gus playfully pushes him and starts to walk.

Time skip to them sneaking back into the hospital.

"Augustus be quiet." Matt whispers, trying to hold back laughter. 

"I'm trying!" 

Matt climbs through the hospital window and Gus stands outside.

"Thanks... or whatever." Matt says and rolls his eyes.

"Anytime." Gus replies and starts to walk away, watching Mattholomule close the window.

Gus walks back to his house alone. It's a bit cold outside, but he didn't mind.

"He's so mean..." Gus thinks to himself, not realizing the redness in his face, or the butterflies in his stomach.

Hey! I havent posted in a while, sorry! Hope you guys like this chapter!! 

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