Chapter 7-Gus's POV

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"You were gone for a long time yesterday." Luz said as Gus sat down at his desk next to hers.

Gus sighed and thought about his response. He didn't want Luz to know he stayed at the ruins with Mattholomule all night. He didn't want anyone to know.

"Yeah it took a little longer than expected." he lied.

"Oh okay, that's fine, me and Willow were just worried." She replied.

Right as Gus was about to open his textbook he received a text message from an unknown number.

Hey. It's Matt.

Gus flipped his scroll over, trying not to let Luz see the message. He then picked it up again and carefully angled it so she couldn't see.

Hey Matt. How did u get my number?

Doesn't matter. do u wanna go back to the graveyard tonight?

Y'know, to clean up some more, we didn't finish yesterday

Gus thought about his answer. He did want to go but he was worried about what might happen.

Yeah sure. Meet up at 5?

Sounds good

Gus put his scroll on the desk. "Who were you texting?" Luz asked him.

"Nobody. It doesn't matter." Gus replied awkwardly.

She rolled her eyes and continued on with her work.

Soon enough the school day was over and as soon as the bell rang Gus rushed out the doors, but was pulled back by a hand on his shoulder.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" Willow asked him with a confused look on her face.

Gus's heart stopped. "Nowhere. I just wanted to go home." he began to walk away when Willow grabbed him again.

"I feel like I haven't seen you all week. Is something wrong?" she asked him, this time with a concerned look on her face.

Gus felt guilty for lying but he truly didn't want anyone to know where he was going.

"I just... have a headache. I want to go home."

Her expression went from confused to annoyed. Gus could tell she knew he was lying.

"Okay. Feel better soon."

He nodded and ran out the front doors.

Small time skip

Gus arrived at around 5:30

"Hey! Sorry I'm late." he said when he spotted Mattholomule sitting on the hill by himself.

His face lit up when he saw Gus. "Its cool." He held up the map. The two boys began to walk.

"How's your knee?" Gus asked him. "It's fine. I've been hurt worse than a scrape on my knee before." He chuckled.

"Yeah I know, but still. It looked pretty bad."

Matt turned his head to look at him. "I lied to you." he confessed.

Gus stopped in his tracks. "Huh?"

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