Chapter 4-Mattholomules POV

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"This is an illusionist graveyard." Gus says to the group. Matt feels confused. What does he mean "illusionist graveyard" these were ancient ruins, it didn't look like a graveyard to him.

"Gus what are you talking about?" Matt asked.
"Yeah Gus, You're saying that as if it's a bad thing." Bria said while smiling meanly.

Mattholomule could see the look on Gus's face and he felt a bit guilty.

"Of course it is! These stones were theirs, we shouldn't take them!" Gus replied, shocked.

"I don't think you know what you're saying, Gus." Bria snarled. Mattholomule took a step back and looked to Gavin. Sure enough there was a hint of fear in his normally cocky expression.

All of a sudden Angmar yelled out something about a guardian and Matt's vision was blurred by a cloud of fog. There was a low growling sound and lightning coming from this fog and Matt's stomach dropped.

The fog transformed into some creature with glowing eyes and Mattholomule let out a scream of terror. Bria said something to Gus about fire and pushed him in front of the creature. Matt gasped thinking about the fact that Gus could possibly die right now. 

Matt was still hiding behind a statue and praying to the titan that nobody would get hurt. Gus suddenly ran in front of the guardian and cast an illusion of... another guardian? He was standing there in confusion when the guardian sort of glitched, then transformed into an old man. 

The old man appeared to be saying something to Gus, but Mattholomule couldn't hear what it was. Something about a visitor and an illusionist. He probably would have been able to hear the conversation if it wasn't for his heart beating so loud it was deafening. 

Matt was still sitting there in a state of panic when he noticed Bria climb on top of one of the statues. "So... the big bad guardian is just another useless illusionist? today just keeps getting better." She snickered as Gavin and Angmar trapped both Gus and the old illusionist in a plant thing that Angmar made. 

Mattholomule walked by Gus and continued to take the galderstones with the others. He picked one up when Angmar snatched it away abruptly. "asshole." he thought.

"We're playing by Glandus rules Matty, you can have anything you want, if you're strong enough to take it." Bria said with a despicable grin plastered onto her face. 

Mattholomule clenched his teeth. There was that line again. He hated when she said that more than anything. He wanted to hit her. Like the times she hit him before. He wanted to scream at her, but decided to keep quiet. He wasn't strong enough, and he knew it.

He walked up to Gus, still stuck in those plants. "Hey... I didn't know she was gonna do this..." He was interrupted by Bria calling out to him in a singsong voice "Mattyyy we need you to hold our stuff!" He winced, and looked back to Gus. "This is exactly how it was at Glandus, always Bria's stooge-" He was then interrupted by Gus. "Better a stooge than a clown. Bria was right. Illusions are nothing but high def party tricks." He said sadly. "Yeah. I used to think that too." Mattholomule said as he used his construction magic to make a small saw. But then I met some dork who used his powers to save me from a man eating detention pit." He explained as he started to saw away at the vines that were holding Gus and the other illusionist. Matt sighed. "All i'm saying is if a dumb illusion can save a jerk like me, maybe it's not as useless as you think." 

Mattholomules face turned red when he saw Gus's eyes light up with hope. "Thanks Mattholomule! Its time to teach those jerks a lesson!" Matt smiled. "I agree! I'll call the hounds." The older illusionist said. 

Gus replied to the elderly mans interesting sentence. "With all due respect sir, Id like to try something a bit more creative." 

Matt nodded, nervous for what approach Gus would take to this situation, but willing to help him with whatever he needed. 

Hey! Its been a little while since I have posted! So sorry about that. Anyway I hope you guys like this chapter!

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