Chapter 15-Mattholomule's POV (Again)

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"So what, you're like into him or something?" Boscha says as she walks down the hallway at a slightly faster pace than Matt.

"What? No!" Matt replies, clearly annoyed. She rolls her eyes and nods. It was obvious she didn't believe him at all. As they walked down the hallway he thought about Gus. He wondered where he was and if he was okay.

"Y'know I'm not blind. I see the way you look at him during class." Boscha says.

Matt turns his head to look at her. 

"You do?"

She nods, avoiding eye contact with him. 

"Yeah. And the way you were looking at those pictures in what I assume to be his bedroom tells me all I need to know."

Matt stops walking. 

All she needs to know? What does that mean?

Boscha notices how he stopped and does the same, an annoyed expression creeping up on her face. 

"Come on! We need to find the others so-" She begins to say before Matt interrupts her.

"What about you? I mean, I'm not blind either. I saw the look on your face when you saw those pictures."

He notices her annoyed expression change to a surprised one as he spoke.

"I... oh shut up loser. You're reading into it too much. You don't know anything."

Matt rolls his eyes and continues to walk down the hallway. As he's walking he thinks about what Boscha said, and if she was right or not. He knew that in some shape or form, she was. What he didn't know was whether or not he wanted her to be. Matt was fully aware that he liked Gus as a friend, but couldn't exactly put his finger on if he wanted more than that from him.

"You deep in thought over there, Mattholomule?" Boscha asks him with a sly grin on her face.

Matt turns his head and glares at her.

"Fuck off."

She lets out a laugh so loud and high pitched that Matt thought his ears might start to bleed.

"Fine. I hope you know you're still a little freak and I'm like, way better than you."

"I'm not even that little!" Matt protests with an obviously angry tone in his voice. Boscha does that same cackle again, causing Mattholomule to wince in pain.

"Don't lie." She says as she turns the corner in the hallway. "You are. I wouldn't expect anything else though, I mean, you're basically a child."

Matt scoffs. "Okay first of all, your'e only a year older than I am. And second of all, I am not a child, I'm thirteen, so I'm basically a man now."

"What you want me to call you Mantholomule or something?" Boscha says as she pushes open the door to a classroom. "We're here, be thankful I helped you."

Matt thinks for a moment about the nickname, then steps inside the healing homeroom. His eyes scan the room and a deep feeling of disappointment washes over him when he realizes Gus isn't there. He wasn't sure why he expected him to be. He sat down in an empty seat and looked around at the aftermath that Gus's weird illusion caused. He wondered if Gus even thought about him once during all this, and if he even thought about him at all. 

He suddenly snapped out of his thoughts when he noticed one of Boschas friends, Scara, walk up to him.

"Hi Matt!" She said to him with a bright and friendly smile. Matt had always felt she was the nicest out of Boschas friends, or at least she acted like she was.

Matt gived her an awkward smile and was about to say hi back before she started to speak.

"Are you feeling okay? It doesn't really look like you got injured but who knows." She asks him, speaking weirdly fast.

"I'm alright, but-" Matt starts to say before she interrupts him.

"Okay good. I'm supposed to check up on everyone and actually quite a few people got hurt, so I'm glad your alright. There's been a lot of crazy things going on huh? First the announcement for the Day of Unity, now coven scouts show up at Hexside? Pretty weird if you ask me."

Matt nods in agreement. "Yeah I guess. I dunno. Emperors always been controlling, but not this bad. It's probably fine though."

Scara sits down next to him, finally being silent since she walked over to him.

"Probably. He knows whats best." She says with a shrug and began to ramble on about flyer derby, while Matt zoned out and thought about his own issues. He came to the realization that he didn't even know what the Day of Unity was, just that it was supposed to turn to boiling isles into some sort of "paradise." As he thought about it more, his suspicion grew, but he ended up decided to shake off those thoughts, not wanting to cause an unnecessary panic in himself. 

Matt watched in anticipation as more people entered the healing homeroom, none of them being Gus.

Hi! It feels like I haven't posted in forever, sorry about that! To be honest I've had zero motivation recently, but I've been feeling better, so expect more chapters coming soon!!

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