Chapter 13-Gus's POV

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Gus walked with Luz down the hallway. She was blabbering on about Amity, but Gus wasn't really paying attention. He was thinking about Mattholomule. Even though he never actually spoke to Matt at school, it did feel lonely without him. He wasn't sure why he wanted to see him so bad, but he did. He liked staring at him from across classrooms, he liked exchanging glances in the cafeteria, he liked the whispers, he liked the lies, he liked the secrets. 

He pushed open the school doors and stepped outside into the fog. He always had liked fog. He thought it felt more... human than everything else in the boiling isles. He didn't know why though.

Gus kept walking down the road until he reached his house. It was times like these where he kind of wished he didn't live so close to the school. He wanted to keep walking but he knew that his dad would lose his mind if Gus didn't come home from school on time.

He reluctantly opened his front door. He was surprised to see his dad was already home.

"Hey Augustus, how was school?"

Gus shrugs. "It was alright I guess. Nothing special."

His dad stands up. "That's good. Listen I've gotta get to work. I'll be working pretty late tonight, okay?"

Gus nods. He wasn't surprised that his dad was working late again. It happened pretty often. 

Time skip to nighttime lol.

Gus lied in his bed with his eyes closed. He had always had trouble falling asleep but tonight it was rather easy. He felt a wave of relaxation wash over him as he drifted off to sleep.

Suddenly he heard a voice. A familiar one. His eyes shot open. He sat up and looked around. He was back at the illusionist graveyard, laying on the ground. He kept hearing that faint voice. It almost seemed to be getting louder.

"Gus... Gus... Gus."

He turned his head, frantically searching to see where the voice was coming from. 


The voice yelled from behind him. It was no longer quiet and muffled. He whipped around to see... Mattholomule kneeling behind him in the dirt. 

"Matt? What's going on?" He says with an obvious panic in his voice. 

Matt smirked at him. 

"You're dreaming about me."

Of course it was a dream. Gus thought.

He cleared his throat. "Oh. I guess I am."

Matt laughed. Not like he would normally laugh though. This laugh was weird. Different. Something about the Matt he was dreaming of was just... off.

This is weird. I must be having one of those... lucid dreams. It feels so real.

He could feel his face go red as Matt moved closer to him.

"You must like me a lot to be dreaming of me, Mr. President." He chuckles. "And here I was thinking you wanted me as a friend."

Gus's eyes widened. "What? I do want to be your friend!"

Matt chuckled and crawled closer to Gus, dragging himself through the dirt. 

"That's not what I meant and you know it."

Gus let out a shaky breath. "Matt you can't just... you can't..."

"I can't what? Tell the truth?" Matt stands up and crosses his arms over his chest. "I knew you couldn't handle it."

The truth? What is he talking about? 

"Matt... I only want to be your friend." Gus whispers.

Matt narrowed his eyes. "You're the one who's dreaming about me." He with a cocky tone to his voice as he knelt back down on the ground and rested his hand on Gus's thigh. "Gus don't you ever just... think?"

Gus felt like he should move away from his touch, but something inside him told him not to. 

"What... do you mean?" He whispered shakily.

Matt chuckles and leans closer, moving his hand to Gus's cheek. "I feel like you should've realized by now. But I guess I'm not surprised you didn't, so let me just... spell it out for you." He says with a sense of pure confidence that the real Matt could never have when it came to stuff like this.

He tilts his head and pulls Gus closer to him. Gus glances down at Matt's mouth. He still has that cocky smirk on his face. 

"I-" Gus starts to say before Matt closed the gap between their lips and kissed him. Neither of them pull away. Gus felt like he shouldn't be admitting to something like this but... he liked it. That's when it hit him. The late night phone calls, the whispers, the stares, the sneaking around, the laughter, the tears. Gus liked it all. He liked the good and the bad, he liked the right and the wrong. He shouldn't like it. But he did. Everything about Matt just made Gus feel more... real. More alive. He was so caught up in the kiss and his own thoughts that he almost forgot it was just a dream.

 All of a sudden he felt heavy. He opened his eyes and he was back in his own bedroom. Part of him wanted to go back to the dream. The other part felt relieved he was finally awake. He pulled his knees up to his chest and rested his face in his arms. Realization had hit him like a ton of bricks in the worst way possible.

"Oh Titan..."

Hey! Hope everybody enjoyed this chapter! Pretty big realization for Gus am I right!! 😂 Anyways, thanks so much for reading!

Mr. President-gustholomuleWhere stories live. Discover now