Chapter 12-Mattholomule's POV

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Mattholomule lays down on the hospital bed and sighs. 

"What a night..." He whispers under his breath.

Suddenly the door bursts open. It's Steve.

"Titan, Matts where the hell were you?! I was running around the hospital for like half an hour looking for you!"

He sits up. "Sorry Steve, I was just... hanging out with a friend."

Steve sighs and sits down on the foot of the bed. 

"Would this happen to be the same friend who you haven't been away from all week?"

Matt nods. 

"You scared me Matts. I was worried." His brother says quietly as he lets out another exasperated sigh. "This friend... Augustus... is he not like your other friends?"

Mattholomule narrows his eyes and tilts his head. "Do you mean he's... my best friend?"

Steve stands up and gently pats him on the head. "Go to sleep." he whispers, not answering Matt's question, and walks out the door, closing it behind him.

"Not like my other friends?" Matt thinks. Yeah sure Gus was nicer than his other friends and treated him with more respect than anyone ever has before, but that didn't mean he was different than his other friends... right?

I mean sometimes he felt awkward around Gus, but that didn't necessarily mean that he was special. Matt just really admired him. That was all.

That was all.

That was all?

It had to be. I mean it's not like he had a crush on him or anything like that... that would be crazy, he was supposed to hate him. He knew he didn't hate him and never had, but still... Matt having a crush on Gus? Insane.

Matt rolled over in his bed. 

"Stupid..." He muttered under his breath.

Even if he did have a crush on Gus, it's not like he would ever like him back. Gus was way too good for him. Matt didn't even know why they were even friends. Gus was smart, friendly, kind, and was basically a saint, while Matt was just some loser who got lucky that some perfect guy even looked his way, let alone was willing to be his friend.

He buried his face in his pillow and allowed himself to fall asleep.

The next morning Mattholomule woke up to his brothers voice.

"Wake up dude, we're going home."

He rubbed his eyes. "Titan, finally, it felt like forever."

Steve nodded. "Yeah bud I know, but the doctors say you're okay, as long as you take it easy."

Matt looks around the hospital room and a look of disappointment washes over his face.

"Where's mom? Wasn't she supposed to get here today?"

His older brother sighs. "Sorry Matts, she couldn't make it."

Matt leans his head back. "I'm not even surprised."

Steve nods. "C'mon dude, time to go.

He slides out of the bed and gets ready to go. Steve is talking to him about being a coven scout or something but he isn't really paying attention. He's still upset that his mother didn't come to see him. 

He never really liked his mother too much, but she was the only legal guardian he had. Both him and Steve never knew their fathers, and were "raised" (if you can even call it that) by their mom. One of Matt's earliest memories was his fifth birthday. He woke up early that morning and found his mother packing some things in a bag. He asked her if she was going on a trip and she said yes. He reminded her that it was his birthday that day and she said to him "One day you're gonna realize nobody cares about stupid shit like that. I suggest you make today that day." He didn't see her for a month after that, and he never celebrated his birthday again. Steve would try to throw him a party every year but eventually he gave up. The worst part was that on the years his mom was there for his birthday, she wouldn't remember.

"You okay Matts?" Steve asks him in the car.

Mattholomule nods. "I'm alright. Just kind of annoyed that mom isn't here."

"I'm sorry kid, but hey, at least we got each other, right?" Steve says as he playfully nudges him.

"Yeah... I guess you're right..." 

Hey! Thanks for reading this chapter!

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