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Felix was doing what he normally would do, which was sitting in the college's library transferring the photos he had taken for the school's website and to his computer. A certain male that always went out of his way to ruin Felix's day, found him and decide to torment him "look what we have here...little nerd working for the school, like the teachers pet he is." Felix glared at the taller male "leave me alone Hyunjin..." Not listening or caring like usual Hyunjin was going decide to throw Felix's expensive camera to the ground but before he could Minho and Jisung came up to Felix to take him to his and Jisung's next lecture. "Hey!" Minho got the attention of Hyunjin which made him stop. "what the hell?!"


I saw Hyunjin tormenting my little brother, AGAIN, I can't stand him he's so entitled. I was about to run over and beat his ass which was well deserved but Jisung stopped me, "Babe you'll make it worse, I know what you're thinking. Just stay calm..." , he was right so I called out to them "Hey!" i got Hyunjin's attention making him stop tormenting Felix. "what the hell?!" Hyunjin exclaimed. "You need to leave him alone!" i said to Hyunjjin.  "or else what?" Hyunjin replied. "i'll bench you on the next football game." i smirk knowing that i had got him to stop. "you can't do that Minho, im on the starting line up, and im a star player." Hyunjin replied trying to get  some leverage but failing "and im the team's captain" i destroyed his leverage easily. Hyunjin grabbed Felix's wrist and raised his fist towards his face. "what about now, am i benched?" I was furious, using my precious little brother as leverage was disrespectful, but sadly it work... "fine! just dont hurt him.." Hyungjin let Felix go "Felix come here..." Jisung coaxed Felix over to him and Felix happily obliged by running into his arms "hannie, thank you..", "you're safe now lixie..." Jisung softly petted Felix's soft ears while hugging him.


"Let's get to your lecture before you're both late..." Minho instructed Jisung and Felix nodded and went on their way to the lecture hall. When they entered the room they saw their friends Seungmin and Jeonjin hugging on each other. "ew get a room" Jisung said "oh says you and minho, who always cuddle and kiss" Jisung blushed and his fluffy tail fell between his legs in embarrassment "sh-shut up!!" he pouted and sat down next to Felix who had already sat down next to the couple while he was pouting. the lecture lasted for half an hour. "wow...that lecture was so..boring." Seungmin said tiredly. "yah, it sucked!" Jisung exclaimed. "im just happy to get to my dorm...im too tired to take anymore pictures." Felix groaned. The four of them walked out of class felix was too tired to keep up so he fell behind a bit, he felt something yank him to the side.


i was waiting for a specific blonde cat hybrid to get out of class, i finally saw him an to my luck he was trailing behind. i pulled him to the side and into the bathroom "ack!!" felix yelped so i put my hand over his mouth "shh.." i trailed my hand away from his mouth and to his hips. "felix..i want you to understand something.." felix looked up at me with big innocent eyes which made him look so  damn adorable.  "y-yes.." his soft looking lips stuttered softly, they looked kissable, but i had to calm myself down. "i want you to understand that you... honestly are so fucking cute! i can't stand it." i pulled him closer to me and started kissing on his neck and sucking on it a bit. i heard felix let out sweet little moans that were music to my ears. "hyun-hyunjin...please, i can't..." i looked in his eyes "shhh...cutie, just enjoy this...i know you are~" felix shut his eyes tightly and he held onto the back of my head as i went back to leaving dark hickies onto his neck. i heard someone walk in and shout out "FELIX?? YOU IN HERE?" it was Minho i panicked 'shit!'  i cant let minho know or else we're both screwed! i pulled away from felix "text him saying you went back to your dorms sweetie.." i whispered in his soft ears, felix nodded and quickly pulled out his phone frantically texting minho


im in our dorms, im really tired.


ok, i was just looking for you because hannie said he couldn't find you.

im glad you're ok, btw the applejacks festival is next week after the game!


ok, thanks for letting me know! i'll see you later.


ok see you in the dorms!



minho left the bathroom "fuck!" felix cursed under his breath "oh did the innocent lixie pixie just cuss?" hyunjin smirked felix smacked hyunjin's chest "shut up! how will i make it to my dorm before min min?" felix freaked out a bit "calm down, i got this just follow me..." felix obliged and quickly followed hyunjin and they some how had beaten minho to the dorms "goodbye my lixie pixie~" hyunjin kissed felix's  cheek before walking off. felix went into his dorm he shared with han and minho. "wanting to take a nap huh?" jisung said which scared felix "umm i-i just went on a stroll.." he chuckle nervously. "i didn't know you could get hickies on a stroll...and why did i hear hyunjins voice call you lixie pixie?" Jisung asked.

A/N i know this is a cliffhanger but im sorry its late and im really tired

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