The Muse

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"Wow you are on time!" Minho said as he walked over to the four boys. They all laughed and got started on practice, it lasted for an hour or so. After practice Minho walked up to Hyunjin and Felix, "Hey Hyunjin, don't let anyone and I mean anyone lay a finger on my brother unless you're watching and you're near." Minho said in an intimidating tone. Hyunjin quickly nodded and went to the locker rooms to change.

Once they were done changing in the locker room Hyunjin went up to Felix, "Hey Lix did you pack any shorts?" Hyunjin asked. Felix nodded and smiled. "Good, you can change in the bathroom next to the art room." Hyunjin informed.

The two made their way to the art room Felix checked in with the professor. "Hello sir, I'm Felix." The freckled boy smiled. "So you're the boy that Hyunjin can't shut up about with your beauty, well go ahead and get set up." The professor said. "Yes...?" Felix was wondering how to address the professor. "Professor Chu." The older man enlightened the boy. "Thank you, I'll go get ready now professor Chu." Felix said and went to the bathroom Hyunjin told felix about. While he was in the bathroom he heard two boys talking, "I bet the muse won't even be that cute." One boy said. "Yeah they are gonna be ugly, especially since Hyunjin volunteered them." The other said. The two boys keep trash talking Hyunjin and indirectly trash talk him. When the boys left Felix had already been ready and quickly left to see Hyunjin talking to a few of his art friends.

Felix walked up to him with his tail tucked and his fluffy ears back, with a sad expression. "Hyu-Hyunjinnie..." he said quietly but loud enough for  Hyunjin to hear him. "What's up fel-" Hyunjin turned around and saw how sad Felix looked. "Pixie what's wrong?" He whispered to the small figures boy infront of him. "Two guys were talking bad about you and me in the bathroom..." Felix whispered back. "Who?" Hyunjin asked coldly.

Felix pointed at the two boys who were laughing at their phones. "Thanks sugar." Hyunjin said still with a cold tone. The ferret boy walked up to the two boys. "How dare you say that about my precious Felix, he's beautiful! He's perfect to be our muse! You're lucky that I volunteered him." Hyunjin glared at the two boys who looked shook and scared. "Sorry hyung." The two boys bowed and walked to their canvas.

"Felix would you mind going ahead and sitting on the stool and pose for us?" Professor Chu asked Felix. Felix nodded and sat on the stool.

(Kinda how he was sitting with the cloth

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(Kinda how he was sitting with the cloth.)

I was a bit uncomfortable, I saw some guys taking pictures of me, at weird angles too, so I gave Hyunjin the signal he told me to give him when I get uncomfortable. So I flicked my tail in a pattern he told me, three times to the right and once up. Hyunjinnie noticed me and nodded and looked around and noticed the guys taking pictures of me, he was furious, they were the two boy from the bathroom. "First you insult him, now you're taking inappropriate pictures of him." Hyunjin was shouting and was about to punch on of them.

I had to stop him.

I hugged him from behind, "Hyunjinnie you need to calm down, you're causing a scene." I said quietly. Hyunjinnie realized what he was doing and quickly stop. "Fuck you two, how dare you. You both should be ashamed of yourselves." Hyunjin said in a low growl before turning away from the boys and hugged me. Unexpectedly he picked me up bridal style, and brought me over to professor chu. "I'm sorry for causing a scene professor, but Felix will not be coming back here. Talk to the two guys over there and get them to delete the photos the took of Felix." Hyunjin had informed the professor and carried my out of the room.

When we got back to Hyunjin's dorm he took me to his room and cuddled me. We heard the door open and thought it was just Innie and Seungmin.

"OI Felix! Are you in here?" It was Hannie's voice. "I'm not sure he's in here babe, he's in the art room remember." That was Minho's voice.

I freaked out, I walked out of Hyunjin's room while wearing one of his hoodies. "Hey.." I said quietly. Minho ran up and hugged me. "Are you ok lix? You seem sad. What happened?" My older brother asked and Hyunjin walked up behind me. "Two guys were talking shit, then took inappropriate pictures of Felix." Hyunjinnie informed min min. Minho looked pissed "what did you do?" Minho asked Hyunjin. "I yelled at them, and if Felix didn't stop me, it would've gotten bloody." Hyunjin explained. "Hyunjin." Minho said coldly I was scared but then I saw Minho embrace Hyunjin. "Thank you." Minho said calmly. Me and Han looked at each other in shock.

"Wow. The tiger can be nice to a ferret." A familiar voice said, I turned around and saw Seungmin and Jeongin, the fox had swollen lips and hickies on his neck.

"Seems like you two came back to have fun, so that's me and hannie's cue to leave." Minho said with a smirk. Min Min left with hannie in his arms.

"This is their fourth time this week." Hyunjinnie whined. "Huh? Who?" I asked. "Jeongin and Seungmin, they've been having sex this whole week ever since they did it, so far they've done it four times while I was at the dorm." Hyunjinnie complained. "I'm sorry jinnie, I hope they aren't as loud as they were during their first time." I tried comforting my boyfriend. "They've gotten louder..."hyunjinnie whined and clinged onto me.

"Well then let me grab a certain box and see if we can be louder~" I suggested slyly while wrapping my tail around one of Hyunjin's legs while tracing my hands on his torso. Hyunjin's smirked and nodded, "I bet they'll be scarred." "I'll be back then~" I smirked and kissed him before leaving to my dorm.

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