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Bang Chan, Felix, and Hyunjin all returned to the group as they agreed on how they would, Minho ran up to Felix cooing and coddling him as Bang Chan explained the "situation" while Minho nodded. "Hyunjin, bench. NOW!" Hyunjin nodded knowing he was suspended from practice for the rest of the day. While Minho checked of Felix, Han made his way to the two brothers, "hey baby, Chan told me what happened. You two go practice while I take care of Felix, okay?" Minho nodded and and he jogged to the field, same as Bang Chan. "Alright they're gone, cut the crap."

I blushed and put the sad and hurt act down. "Tell us what happened in the locker room~" Changbin was eager to hear what happened. "Hyunjin got jealous of Channie calling me princess...I told him why he calls me that then..." Jeongin narrowed his eyes "then what?" He asked. "We made out..." As my three friends fan-girled together Seungmin, who I forgot was there, spoke up. "Ew that's my brother.." Jeongin kissed his  forehead "Minnie be quiet, it's steamy gossip" Seungmin scoffed, "yea about my brother!" Hyunjin scooted to the end of the bench closest to us "you'll hear more things about your brother later tonight~" he smirked and winked at me, which made me blush, but Seungmin just gagged "innie protect me from that horny monster!" Jeongin rolled his eyes and petted the puppy hybrid boy's floppy ears "awww it's ok Seungmin, the two horny college students can't hurt you~" Jeongin cooed at his boyfriend while the others tail wag. "I have to get back to practice, bye foxy!" Seungmin kissed Jeongin's lips and left to go onto the field. Jeongin was a blushing mess, "so foxy~" I teased the younger "shut up!" Jeongin rolled his eyes. "Anyways, now that Seungmin is gone...LixLix tell us more~" jisung looked at me with great interest, but before I could say anything Hyunjin started talking, "Pixie lixie will talk to you tomorrow about what we do tonight~" I blushed, "t-to-tonight?" Hyunjin just nodded then got up from the bench and walked over to Minho and started talking to him. "Isn't he benched?" Binnie questioned "yea...he is.." jisung replied.

I was practicing my throws when I heard Hyunjin start talking. "Hey captain.." he chuckled nervously, I decided to question him "why do you harass my brother? He's precious, you monster." Hyunjin quickly started stammering "I- umm...well the thing is..." I rolled my eyes "spit it out or get back on the bench!" The ferret hybrid nodded "I wanted to apologize to you and ask for your forgiveness...I know I've been a dick this whole year so far but I wanted to apologize..." I nodded, "we can be friends, as long as you apologize to Felix." Hyunjin quickly nodded.

Hyunjin was running over to the group who were all gossiping about the college campus "FELIX!!" Hyunjin shouted which got everyone's attention, especially Felix who blushed a bit, before Jisung smacked his leg letting him know he was blushing, "yea?" Felix responded to Hyunjin's shout. Minho and Bang Chan were following after Hyunjin, "slow down idiot!" Minho shouted at Hyunjin who quickly listened. Once Hyunjin got to Felix he hugged the shorter boy, "go along with this.." he whispered to the cat hybrid who nodded. "Felix I'm sorry for bullying you, I want to be friends with you, and be nicer. Do you forgive me?" Hyunjin said in a regular tone, Felix quickly caught on to what was happening. "Yes I accept your apology, how about you go to the Apple Jacks festival with us?" Hyunjin nodded "I'd love to!" Minho quickly saw how Hyunjin was hugging Felix, "too close you two" Minho pulled Felix from Hyunjin and cooed at him, "don't worry won't get bullied anymore..." Minho stared at Hyunjin menacingly "right?" Hyunjin nodded. Jeongin came up with an idea "Felix wanna help me study later tonight" Felix's face lit up, "sure anything for foxy~" Felix teased the youngest, but Seungmin came up behind the group "what's up?" Bang Chan put his hand on the puppies shoulder "ferret boy just apologized~" Seungmin quickly jumped up on Hyunjin "so you can apologize to Felix but you can't apologize to me for this morning?" Jeongin laughed as he remembered what happened that morning. "Oh my gosh Minnie, there wasn't that much left either way!" Everyone was confused except for the three that shared a dorm. "What happened this morning?" Felix asked, Seungmin look at the younger cat hybrid, "Hyunjin ate the last of the cereal!" Everyone laughed and cooed at the the young puppy hybrid.

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