The FootBall Game

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A/N I'm time skipping to the first football game because I don't have any ideas for in between!

It was the night of the game everyone was in their respective areas, the football players were in the dugout, the cheerleaders were on the side of the field, and the fans were waiting in the stands for the game to start. Well everyone everyone for, Felix, Jisung, Changbin, and Jeongin they were also in the dugout talking to their boyfriends, not Felix he was talking to the two youngest boys Seungmin and Jeongin. "So you ready for the game?" Felix asked "you ready to take winning shots of me playing?" Seungmin replied, Jeongin rolled his eyes "you two are so weird..." Seungmin hugged onto his boyfriend, "but you love me!" Jeongin sighed "sadly..." Seungmin pouted "foxy~" Jeongin sighed again and pecked his clingy boyfriend's lips "stop pouting, anyways lix what happened with you and Hyunjin the other night, you never told us" Jeongin looked at the cat hybrid who was staring at Hyunjin, who had his shirt off, "huh? Oh well he was tired from practice so we just cuddle!" Jeongin rolled his eyes "boo!"

I was putting on eye black, when I heard a familiar, yet annoying voice boo, I saw my little brother cling onto Jeongin while, the fox hybrid booed at my little pixie. "Why are we booing?" I asked walking up to the three. "You're boring!" Jeongin spat out, "I'm glad they're boring, that way I don't get traumatised!" Seungmin argued. We all laughed, and I pulled Felix aside "do I get anything if we win today?" I asked him sweetly, Felix thought for a minute the smirked "how about when I "tutor Jeongin" we can traumatise Seungmin" I nodded "deal, see you after the game pixie!"

The football team went out to the field for the game to start and the four boys Felix, Changbin, Jeongin, and Jisung went to the bleachers to sit down. Halfway through second quarter the four got hungry and went to the concession stand to get some food. "Can we have four Korean style corn dogs, and two cokes, one Fanta, and one sprite!" The girl working the stands nodded and the four got their purchased items and went on their way to the back to the bleachers. They got stopped a quarter the ways back by a group of guys "look at these cuties" one snickered "leave us alone!!" Changbin defended the four of them. "Dressed like that? No, you're asking for attention with those clothes" another said.

 "Dressed like that? No, you're asking for attention with those clothes" another said

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What Han was wearing.

What Han was wearing

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