The Apple Jacks Festival

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"Okay, so we need to be responsible so everyone pair up with someone." Chan said while grabbing Changbins arm, indicating that they were a pair.

All the couples paired up leaving Hyunjin and Felix together, Minho pulled Hyunjin's ear down to his mouth by the younger's neck, "you let him get hurt you're dead." Minho threatened, Hyunjin nodded, "yes sir." Hyunjin smiled like nothing happened.

Everyone ran off together, Hyunlix went to the games first. They won a few, lost others. It had been 2 hours. "Bubs I'm hungry!!" Felix whined. "Okay sugar cube, I'll go get you a Korean corn dog, you sit here and wait." Hyunjin said, pecking Felix's forehead before going to get the food.

After a few minutes passed one of the guys that was hitting on Felix walked up to the cat hybrid. "No dressed slutty I see...where's your little bodyguards at hm?" The guy said while squeezing the boys cheeks together.

Felix's eyes started tearing up, he knew he couldn't do anything, he didn't have anyone to help him. The cat hybrids ears fell back. "Aw he's upset~ how about I show you how a actual man does it in bed~" the guy started touching Felix's body in a way that Felix didn't like.

The guy was seconds from kissing Felix before Hyunjin arrived. "Hey back the fuck up you inbred looking mother fucker!" The tall boy yelled before pushing the guy.

"What the hell! He isn't yours!" The guy protested.

"Yes he is. He's my boyfriend. Don't touch him either." Hyunjin said with a stern expression. Felix ran up to Hyunjin and hugged him while crying. Hyunjin hugged Felix back. "Leave." Hyunjin growled.

The guy back away and left. Hyunjin pulled away from Felix to see if he was ok. "Are ok sugar cube? Did he hurt you?" Hyunjin's eyes and tone were full of concern for his lover. "I'm ok, I'm glad you came when you did..."

The two boys smiled and shared an endearing kiss, full of love, compassion, comfort, and joy. They kissed like nothing else mattered to them.

With Minsung

The couple was walking around peacefully, enjoying some food and drinks. Minho stopped dead in his tracks with an angry expression. Han looked at what Minho was looking at and looked at Minho worriedly.

Back to hyunlix

The boys were kissing and holding each other before they got pulled apart by a very angry older brother. "What the fuck Hyunjin. I trusted you. This is how you repay me? Going behind my back to kiss my little brother." Minho shouted. "Min Min...I-" Felix tried explaining.

"I don't want to hear it. Han take Felix home. Felix you are to stay in your room. You're grounded." Minho said coldly. Defeated Felix walks back to the campus with Han.

Minho turns back to Hyunjin. "You're not benched but you will not and I repeat will not, look, talk, think about, text, or even dream about Felix. You are to ignore him. Am I understood?" Minho glared. "Y-yes Minho..." Hyunjin spoke sadly. "Now get out of my sight." Minho said in a cold tone. Hyunjin left and went to find his brother. While Minho left the festival.

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