The First Time🔞

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It was around 8:30 in the morning, Minho and Jisung were gone they went out for breakfast so it was just Felix and Hyunjin together. Felix had woken up a few minutes after Minsung left the dorm, and went to the living room to cuddle Hyunjin and fall back asleep.

I woke up feeling a bit of weight on my chest. I opened my eyes and saw the cutest thing ever, Felix was peaceful asleep on my chest and his fluffy ears twitches a bit anytime my breath hit them. "Felix~" I tried waking him up, which didn't work. "Lixie~" He was still asleep!!! UGH! I shook him gently "baby boy, you have to wake up..." That got him to wake up, kinda. "Mmm...go back to sleep..." He was grumbling but he is the cutest little thing ever! I picked him up and sat him on my lap, letting his head rest on my shoulder. "Pixie you gotta wake up, I make you breakfast~" After I said that Felix's tail started moving, wagging to be precise. "What will you make?" He asked softly. "Pancakes?" I responded unsure of what I would actually make him. "Can you make the magical?" He asked shyly and I was completely confused by what he meant. "What do you mean by that sugar cube?" I tilted my head and Felix lifted his head up and pouted. He looked so cute when he pout my god I just wanna squish his little cheeks! "They're pancakes with chocolate chips in them..." He said shyly still pouting, I couldn't take his pout anymore and i pecked his lips. Felix kissed me back and moved closer to me on my lap, and he brushed against Hyunjin Jr, who woke up. I really hope he didn't notice.

I was kissing Hyunjin and felt something poking me, I pulled out from the kiss and looked down and saw that he was hard. When I looked up he was blushing, "I-I sorry..." He quickly apologized and his cheeks were red. I kissed him again and smirked, "We didn't do it the night we said we would...why not do it now?" I suggested shyly. I was nervous this would be my first, of course I've read about this stuff, so I knew what could possibly happen, like kink wise...and I already picked up a few things that I wanted to do. I don't know if it would be a good idea or a bad one to try to do them during my first time, but you only get one first and I want mine to be enjoyable.

Hyunjin picked Felix up and took him to his (Felix's) room. The older laid his boyfriend one the bed. "I could just devour you~" The younger blushed and pulled Hyunjin into a kiss. The ferret boy let his hand travel to the younger's thigh and squeezed it gently making Felix gasp slightly letting Hyunjin slip his tongue in the kitten hybrid's mouth, making the kiss heated. Felix put his hand in the older shirt and traced his fingers along the toned body he was under. Hyunjin took his shirt off and started unbuttoning Felix's shirt. Once the shirt was fully unbuttoned Hyunjin attacked Felix's neck, making the younger let out sweet and soft moans. "Hyu-Hyunjin..." Felix moaned out making Hyunjin stop. "Hm? Is it too much?" Hyunjin was concerned for the younger. The kitten hybrid shook his head, "no, my stomach hurts a bit..." Hyunjin smirked. "Oh~ you're just about to cum...untouched too." Felix blushed at this and turn away from the older gaze. "It's nothing to be ashamed this you're first time?" Hyunjin asked with a smile. "Yes...b-but I read about this stuff..." Felix admitted shyly. Hyunjin smirked knowing what this meant. "So...have you picked up kinks?" The older leaned closer to Felix, who nodded. " what?" The ferret boy planted a few wet kisses around the younger's nipple seeing if he would respond, which was successful. Felix moan softly before Hyunjin started sucking on his nipple a little roughly. "You like that?" Hyunjin whispered huskily, and Felix nodded. "Mo-more.." Felix moaned out. Hyunjin smirked and played with the other nipple while he continued sucking on the one he previously was. "Do you have any lube?" The older asked and the kitten hybrid shook his head. "Hmm...then I'm gonna need you to start sucking." Felix blushed thinking Hyunjin meant something that you are probably thinking. "Su-suck what?" The younger blushed, Hyunjin put two of his fingers on Felix's lip. "Go on, open up~" Hyunjin cooed at the the smaller figure under him. Felix obeyed his boyfriend and open his mouth and started sucking the two fingers, swirling his tongue around them. After a minute or so, Hyunjin used his other hand to pull down the younger's shorts and smirk. "Panties?" The younger blushed but continued to suck on the older's fingers. Hyunjin slipped the other's panties off. He then pulled his fingers out of Felix's mouth and traced his (Felix's) hole with the two fingers before pushing them in and thrusting them slowly. Felix let out a few moans, "Hyunjin...fas-faster~" Hyunjin smirked and obliged moving his fingers faster, scissoring them a bit. As Felix let out more moans Hyunjin could feel his third leg get harder. "You seem prepped enough...but since you have no lube, you're going to need to suck a bit more." Hyunjin informed his boyfriend. Felix nodded and sat up, Hyunjin did the same and slipped of his pants and boxers, revealing a long and hardened extension. Felix blushed "will that even fit?" Hyunjin smirked, "Don't worry sugar I'll be gentle, unless you ask me not to be~" Felix nodded and he put the tip of Hyunjin's member in his mouth. Hyunjin groaned "Mmm.." The older looked down at his boyfriend and smirked, pushing his cock further into Felix's mouth. "Mmm..." Felix hummed feeling Hyunjin go deeper in down his throat. When Hyunjin thought there was enough of Felix's saliva on his cock he pulled out of the younger's mouth and layed the younger back down on the bed and moved between Felix's legs. The ferret hybrid aimed his cock at Felix's entrance. "You ready?" Hyunjin asked and felix quickly nodded. The older pushed the tip of his hard extension into Felix. Felix's breathe hissed feeling a lot of pain from being stretched so much. Hyunjin slowly pushed the rest of himself into Felix, and stayed like that letting the younger get used to the feeling. "Y-you can start moving..." The kitten hybrid informed the older. Hyunjin nodded and started to slowly thrust into his boyfriend. The younger was in pain but was trying to feel some pleasure, a minute or two of thrusting he finally felt the pleasure he wanted. "Faster Hyunjin~" Felix moaned out and the older smirked, fucking his boyfriend faster and was going deeper by every thrust. Felix let out a long pornographic moan and Hyunjin knew he hit Felix's prostate and aimed for it over and over again. As the older abused the younger's prostate, Felix felt the knot in his stomach again. "Hyunjin I'm-" before Felix could finish his sentence he released a stream of cum onto his and Hyunjin's chest. "Felix couldn't hold it~" Hyunjin continued to hit the younger's prostate until he finally reached his high, cumming inside of his boys hole. Felix was looked fucked out while breathing heavily. "You did good, you were so tight too~" Hyunjin smirked and sat Felix up and kissed his cheek. Felix rested his head on the older's shoulder like earlier this morning. Hyunjin smiled and picked up the smaller boy. "Do you have a shower or a tub?" He asked Felix. "Shower..." Felix replied softly since he hurt his throat from moaning loudly. Hyunjin walked into  the bathroom and set Felix on his counter. "Do you have extra sheets?" Hyunjin asked his arms wrapped around Felix's waist. "Yea, they're in my closet on the top shelf." Felix responded, Hyunjin nodded and left Felix in the bathroom to fix the bed.

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