The morning

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It was now the next morning. Changbin and Bang Chan were usually up early in the morning, even on lecture free days, the two were making pancakes with bacon.

The younger boys were still fast asleep, until the youngest woke up smelling the cooked food and decided to wake the other boys up. "Guys Channie is making food!" The fox hybrid exclaimed and that made the other two easily wake up.

The three of the rushed out of Changbins room and to the kitchen to see that Chan was in fact cooking breakfast.

Felix being the devious little shit he was decided to do his devious duties, "Hey Changbin how was last night? You were so loud." Felix smirked when he saw Changbin standing next to the counter with a shocked expression. "Shut up don't make me call Hyunjin!" The older one in the conversation said. "Do it! I don't care!" Felix snapped back.

"You asked for it." Changbin smirked and snatched Chan's phone and called Hyunjin telling him to come over. Hyunjin was confused but still came over.

"Baby!" Felix jumped up from where he was sitting to only run over to his boyfriend and hug him. "Hello sugar cube!" Hyunjin responded.

Felix saw a figure behind his boyfriend and made a disgusted face, "ew..." Seungmin came up from behind the couple.

"Hey foxy!" He exclaimed walking over to the youngest. "Hi puppy! I've missed you!" Jeongin pouted.

"It's only been a day." Jisung said feeling lonely without his boyfriend. "I know which is too damn long!" Jeongin snapped back. Seungmin chuckled a bit and pecked his boyfriend between his two fluffy ears.

The three couples and lonely squirrel boy finished breakfast.

"Get out we have to get ready for the festival now." Felix said while pushing Seungmin, his boyfriend, and the wolf hybrid that lived in the dorm out.

Chan opened the door, "Princess it's only 10:20 the festival starts at 12:45." Felix turned around, "I know." Hyunjin's and Seungmin's eyes widened.

"Can we at least get some attention before we leave?" Seungmin pouted. The other two boys nodded in agreement and pushed the door open picking their lovers.

The three boys were all given affection, Chan saw his younger brother being left out and decided to give him a hug. "Oh how caring..." Felix said sarcastically.

"Anyways guys we need to get ready so you gotta go..." Jeongin said after kissing his boyfriends cheek. The three couples said their goodbyes and left each other.

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