Next Level 🔞

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I opened the door to me and Seungmin's room, "hey ok?" Seungmin asked me. I nodded, "hey Hyunjin I think you should go watch Ponyo with Felix..." i think Hyunjin knew what I meant and quickly left. I crawled onto the bed and sat in Seungmin's lap. "Seungmin I want to take our relationship to the next level..." I blushed and looked away, but Seungmin moved my head to look at him, he had that prettiest smile on his face. "I know, now...I'm ready too..." I smiled and kissed him and fought for dominance in the kiss and I lost.

The two boys were making out for a while before Seungmin pulled out from the kiss and attacked the younger boys neck with his lips. Soft moans left Jeongin's mouth "Seungmin..." the puppy hybrid hummed in a response. "I-I'm ready..." the older boy nodded and took off his shirt revealing his toned abdomen, making the fox hybrid blush. Seungmin chuckled, "come here baby..." Jeongin came closer to the boy and latter locked their lips together again. Soft moans could be heard echoing through the room as Jeongin was busy focusing on the kiss Seungmin took the opportunity to take of the younger's shirt and flip the two so now Jeongin was on his back and Seungmin was in between his legs. Seungmin went back to sucking and biting on the younger's neck while Jeongin let out soft moans. Seungmin trailed his hand down to his boy's pants and pulled them off along with his, now that both boys were in their boxers. "Are you sure you want this?" Seungmin asked the younger for consent to continue. Jeongin nodded "yes, I'm sure!" Seungmin smiled and trailed soft wet kisses down Jeongin's chest all the way to his boxers. The puppy hybrid pulled off the younger's underwear and started kissing his inner thighs leaving hickies and bite marks. The other let out moans that were slightly louder "Seungmin~" the older boy hummed enjoying the noises coming out of the other's mouth. Seungmin licked up Jeongin's manhood leaving the boy to breathe heavily. The older boy put the other length in his mouth swirling his tounge around it. Jeongin felt a knot in his stomach, how am I so weak, I need to last longer! The younger thought to himself and started tugging on Seungmin's hair. "If you need to you can, it's only your first time so it's normal.." he reassured his boyfriend, that being said the fox hybrid released into the mouth of the older. Jeongin was panting slightly so Seungmin moved a bit and went into his drawer and grabbed a condom and lube. The older looked at his boyfriend "may i?" Jeongin nodded "yeah.." and with the given answer Seungmin put a decent amount of live on his fingers and stuck one of them inside the younger. The fox hybrid's moans got louder. Soon later Seungmin added another finger which made the other boy moan more. Seungmin thought Jeongin was prepped enough and took his fingers out and took off his boxers. Jeongin looked down and saw the older size and blushed. Seungmin smirked and put the condom on. Jeongin gave his boyfriend the go ahead and Seungmin put his whole length in the younger. This caused the fox hybrid to wince a little it'll feel better it's only temporary! Jeongin thought. Seungmin saw the discomfort of the younger's face and waited for him to get used to the feeling. He didn't start going until Jeongin gave him a sign letting him know he was ready. When the puppy hybrid got the sign he started slowly not wanting to hurt the younger he cared for. "You can go faster..." Seungmin nodded and sped up. "SEUNGMIN~" the younger continued to moan his boyfriend's name loudly which could be heard throughout the whole dorm room. Seungmin slowed down which meant he was close. Jeongin could feel the warmth of the puppy hybrid's cum from the condom and hummed. The older pulled himself out of his boyfriend and disposed of his condom and laid next to Jeongin.

I felt sore and tired but I was happy about it, "I love you." Seungmin said to me before kissing my forehead, I smiled widely "I love you too." Seungmin picked me up, "ah! Seungmin what are you-?" Seungmin smiled "I going to draw you a bath since you're probably to sore to shower..." I smiled and kissed his cheek "you care..." I smiled softly at him and he smiled back "of course I do, you're precious to me, you're my everything..." I couldn't help but laugh a little "you're so cheesy" he chuckled "only because it's you~" Seungmin set me on the bathroom sink while he started the bath, making sure the water was at the perfect temperature. When there was enough water in the tub he picked me up and set me in the bath on his lap. He washed my hair and body and did the same to himself after relaxing in the warm water for a bit. "I'll be right back just sit here a relax..." Seungmin kissed my head between my ears and got out of the tub put a towel around his waist and went out of the bathroom.

I walked over to the bed and took the sheets off and replaced them with clean sheets. Then took our clothes from the floor and the dirty sheets and bedding and put them in our dirty laundry hamper, I grabbed me some fresh clothes and put them on and then grabbed my precious boy some boxers and one of my hoodies that he liked. I went back into the bathroom where Innie still was resting his head on the side of the tub, "you tired?" I chuckled. He looked up a me, "mmm..." I smiled, "come on foxy~" Jeongin lifted his head up along with his arms, I picked him up and wrapped him in a towel and put him on the counter and grabbed another towel to dry his hair. I was drying behind his fluffy ears and his tail started wagging, so cute! I hugged him, "all dry! Lift your arms up or do you want to put the hoodie on yourself?" Jeongin reached for the hoodie "I can do it!" I nodded and handed him the hoodie, and he put it on. I undid the towel from his waist "can you lift your waist?" Innie nodded and lifted his waist as much as he could, and I slipped his boxers onto him. "There we go~" I picked him up and brought him to the bedroom "you changed the sheets..." Jeongin kissed my cheek, "of course I did" I smiled. "You're smile is beautiful..." I felt my cheeks heat up. "Thanks foxy..." I heard him giggle and I swear it was the cutest thing ever! I set him on the bed, "let's go to bed babe, i know you're tired." Innie nodded and cuddled up to me when I laid down next to him, and we went to sleep.

A/N the amount of times I cringed and took breaks writing the smut was horrendous!!! Also I'm sorry that I don't mention the ears and tails often Ik this is a hybrid story

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