Seungmin is what for jeongin?

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Hyunjin walked over to everyone and snickered. "What's so funny?" Chan asked. Hyunjin put his finger to his own lips indicating for everyone to be quiet. The ferret boy then pointed at the youngest people.

Seungmin was clinging onto Jeongin like usual, but there was a different dynamic, or arua you could say.

With jeongin and Seungmin

Seungmin tail was wagging a lot while jeongin scratched under the older boys neck. "Are you a good boy?" Jeongin whispered. Seungmin nodded excitedly. "I want words puppy." The younger demanded. "Yes! I'm a good boy!" Seungmin whispered back.

Jeongin started petting behind Seungmin's fluffy puppy ears. "Did puppy miss me?" Jeongin asked.  Seungmin nodded, "puppy missed mommy so much..." Seungmin pouted after saying that. Jeongin pecked Seungmin's pout. "I'm back now puppy, don't worry now." Jeongin smiled which made Seungmin smiled as well.

Back with everyone else

Its seems almost like Seungmin was submissive for Jeongin. It's not like he couldn't, it's just that everyone thought Seungmin was the top, or could Seungmin just be a submissive top and Jeongin was a power bottom?

They all let the couple continue their conversation, it was just all a shock for everyone.

Back with Seungmin and Jeongin

"Can puppy have extra attention tonight after the festival? He's been away from mommy for too long." Seungmin pouted. "Of course mommy will give his precious little puppy extra attention tonight." Jeongin smiled softly and kissed Seungmins temple.

"Thank you mommy!" Seungmin smiled while his tail wagged excessively. Jeongin kissed in between Seungmin's puppy ears. The two young boys hugged and turned to see every one staring at them.

Back to everyone

"So what's up?" Chan said nervously. Seungmin was blushing alot while Jeongin was smiling. "You didn't kissed you boyfriends?" The youngest joked. "Yeah but this morning Seungmin didn't act so submissive.." Hyunjin piped up. "But you complain about hearing us at night. You know about this to an extent Hyunjin.." Seungmin said shyly.

Felix sighed, "okay so Seungmin's submissive for Jeongin and Jeongin is dominant over Seungmin. Jeongin is a power bottom and Seungmin is still a top." Felix explained bluntly leaving the youngest couple a blushing mess while everyone started understanding.

Minho walked up to Jeongin and dapped him up, "welcome to world domination." Minho smirked. "We really need a different name." Chan said smacking his face, while everyone else laughed. "I'm good but thanks for that weird offer." Jeongin laughed.

"Can we go? We're gonna be late!" Han and Felix whined in unison. Everyone made their way to the door and walked to the festival since it wasn't far from the campus.

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