Who was louder? 🔞

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Felix made his way to his dorm and heard disturbing noises coming from his brothers and friends room. Felix grabbed his box and went back to his boyfriends dorm and quickly walked to Hyunjin's bedroom.

He saw a surprising scene in the bedroom, Hyunjin was masturbating with his phone in hand while moaning Felix's name. The younger took the fact the the ferret boy had his eyes closed to look at the phone.

It was a picture of Felix, from the last time they had sex. "When did you take that?" Felix whispered in Hyunjin's ear while slightly massaging the olders shoulder which was attached to the hand that was being used to pump Hyunjin's third leg. Hyunjin stayed calm to Felix's surprise. "When you were really out of it this morning, you looked so cute and sexy~" Hyunjin groaned. Felix got turned on more and started licking and sucking on Hyunjin's neck.

Soon Hyunjin stopped pumping himself and moved Felix onto his lap. "There we go kitty~" he moaned lowly while Felix continued to to suck on Hyunjin's neck. Felix got a bit bored of Hyunjin's neck and kiss the boy instead.

After making out for a few minutes Hyunjin's shedded his shirt and took off Felix's. The older boy pushed Felix onto the bed and grabbed the box and examined all of its contents. He saw dildos, vibrators, some fluffy hand cuffs, gag balls, and a blindfold. "What a kinky boy~" Hyunjin smirked and grabbed the strawberry mango scented lube that Felix held out on him this morning and put it on a pink rubber vibrating dildo. "Is kitty ready?" Hyunjin asked while rimming the dildo around Felix's hole.

Felix nodded, and the older boy smacked the youngers ass "words." Hyunjin growled lowly. "Yes.." Felix said quietly. The ferret boy shoved the dildo in the cat boy and turned it on. Felix moaned out and grabbed the sheets while hyunjin pump the dildo in and out of the boy.

Felix came on his chest with a loud pornographic moan. Hyunjin smirk, "is kitty ready for masters cock?" He asked in a husky voice. "Yes~" the younger moaned. With those words Hyunjin lubed his dick and stuck the tip inside Felix. "Mmm~mo-more..." the young moaned. Hyunjin smirked and pulled out of the younger. "Hyunjinnie..." Felix whined and the older slapped the boys ass. "Stop whining. Now lay on your stomach." Hyunjin said lowly. Felix got more aroused from being ordered around and did exactly what the older told him to do.

"Good boy." Hyunjin smiled. Felix's tail wagged at the praise. The older traced the cat boys hole with his cock and thrusted it in. "Ahhh~" Felix held the bedsheets once more. Both Felix and the whole bed jerked back and fourth again due to the force of Hyunjin's thrusts.

In the other room

Jeongin and Seungmin had already finished having the special time together and we watching a movie, until they heard muffled cries, moans, bed creaking, and banging against the wall. "Wow, I don't even think we're that loud." Seungmin said blankly.

"AHHHH~ YES MASTER~" a loud pornographic moan was heard.

"That's must be Felix..." Jeongin said trying not to die of embarrassment. "Should we get back at them for making fun of us?" Seungmin proposed. Jeongin smirked and nodded. Seungmin pulled his boyfriend into a hug and spooned him from behind, "let's watch a movie, hm foxy?" He asked while wagging his tail, Jeongin decided to pet the Seungmin's ear and nodded. "Let's watch white chicks!" Jeongin said excitedly.

"Really? I mean it's a good movie, but we watch it a lot." Seungmin said. "Please baby..." Jeongin pouted his lips, he knew how to get Seungmin to say yes to him, the fox boy kept begging till the older agreed. "Fine, but only because I hate it when you pout." Seungmin turned on the tv and played the movie that Jeongin desired to watch.

Back to hyunlix

They were on their 7th round, some round were short and some were long, but that didn't stop the two boys. Though they had just done it that same morning, to both boys it felt like years. "AHHH~ CU-CUMMING~" Felix moaned out loudly. "Go for it kitty~" Hyunjin smirked since he was close to his climax as well. Felix came and shortly after so did Hyunjin. "Let's stop...I'm sure you're tired..." Hyunjin said breathlessly. Felix nodded. His hole had been abused, he couldn't feel his legs, his ass was hurting from Hyunjin slapping it, and his cock was very limp.

Hyunjin got up from his bed and went to the bathroom and turned on his shower. "Pixie I'm sorry I don't have a tub, but I'll hold you up so you don't fall." The older informed his significant other. Felix nodded again.

Once the shower was ready Hyunjin picked the younger up. "I love you lixie." Hyunjin smiled and kissed the cat boy forehead and scratched behind the fluffy cat ears. The younger nodded once more, that's when Hyunjin got suspicious. "Are you okay?" Hyunjin's tones of voice was concerned.

Felix pointed at his throat, Hyunjin picked up on what he meant after a few seconds. "Ohhhh...your throat hurts from screaming. I'm sorry pixie." Hyunjin guessed, Felix nodded and made grabby hands towards his boyfriend. The older understood what Felix wanted and he picked the younger up and took him to the bathroom.

After the shower, Hyunjin put some boxers and sweat pants on and handed Felix some boxers and one of his hoodies. "There lixie, now let's see if innie will give you some shorts." Hyunjin said lightly while picking Felix up again.

The got to the other couples room and Felix knocked. "Come in." A voice said. Hyunjin opened the door and Seungmin smirked. "Hey master, is kitty okay?" Jeongin asked with a fake pout. This made Felix blush and hide his face on his boyfriends shoulder. "So what's up?" Seungmin asked his brother. "Felix was wondering if Jeongin had some shorts he could use." Hyunjin informed the younger two boys. "Why couldn't kitty asked himself?" Seungmin smirked and teased the older boys more. "Hey! Don't call him that!" Hyunjin pouted and started petting Felix's ears and hair. "Sorry master didn't mean to make you and kitty upset." The puppy boy falsely apologized.

Felix opened his mouth but nothing came out. "Let me get those short I bought a the mall, Ji told me to get them for him, but Minho said no...so here!" Jeongin handed a pair of shorts to the cat hybrid and they said 'Thick-fil-a' on them which made Felix blush and Hyunjin smirk.

(The shorts looked like that)The older two boys left to the kitchen to make Felix some tea, while the tea was brewing Hyunjin held Felix into the shorts

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(The shorts looked like that)
The older two boys left to the kitchen to make Felix some tea, while the tea was brewing Hyunjin held Felix into the shorts.

Hyunjin was getting the tea ready for Felix to drink, the younger was leaning against the counter to keep himself up and from falling.

Hyunjin looked at Felix's butt and bit his lips, Felix looked bootylicious in the shorts he was given. "Damn." Hyunjin said quietly to himself and smacked Felix's ass, maki g the younger yelp. "What was that for?" Felix pouted. Hyunjin hugged Felix from behind and rested his head on his boyfriend's shoulder. "Your butt looked good, I'm sorry." Hyunjin apologized after seeing his boyfriends pouty face.

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