Karaoke Time!

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The eight boys walking into the building that had multiple rooms that had karaoke machines in them. Felix went to the counter "one room for eight for three hours, please!" The cat hybrid threw a smile and the lady at the counter smiled back and nodded and led the eight hybrids to a room. "Right in here, just swipe your card in the pay square and you'll be all set!" The lady said and Felix swiped his card as told and waved goodbye to the lady as she left the room.

I saw chan walk up to the machine and grabbed the microphone and turned it on. "I have a song that I would like to sing!" Jeongin rolled his eyes. "That's the point of karaoke, to sing song you want." Chan flipped the sassy fox hybrid off and searched for a specific song. The into to the song started and three out of the seven other boys new which song it was, which was "Scotty Doesn't Know."

This is the song, bc I'm lazy and don't want to write the lyrics out!

Chan got to a specific part of the song and smirked and me and Hyunjin who was sitting next to me. "I can't believe he's so trusting. While I'm right behind you thrusting. Fiona's got him on the phone, and she's trying not to moan. It's a three-way call and he knows nothing.~" A few of our friends looked at us discreetly which made both me and Hyunjin blush more. After chan finished the song he sat next to me. "Surprised he didn't catch on." Chan whispered and I smacked his arm, which did catch Minho's attention. "Hey now don't hit Chan all he did was sing." I nodded and glared and the wolf hybrid showing my sharp teeth a bit. Minho saw apparently and went over to the both of us with Han in his arms and sat between us and pulled Jisung into his lap. "Chill." Both of us looked away from each other. A few hours of singing and laughing passed and our time was up. "Let's go out to eat!" Changbin suggested. "Is it because you're hungry babe?" Chan asked. "Yes, it's because I'm hungry..." Changbin started shouting that he was hungry, so I teased him and told him "you're always hungry!" Binnie looked over at me and shouted "I'm hungry!!" I looked at him shocked and we continued to walk around the town looking for somewhere to eat. Hyunjin picked me up and put me on his back. Minho saw and looked furious. "Oi! I can carry my little brother!" He grabbed me off of Hyunjin's back and put me on his. "Minho? Are you ok?" I asked him cautiously. "I'm fine." He said coldly. I nodded and wanted to release some tension so I quickly looked for somewhere to eat. "Let's eat there!" I let one hand from my brothers and point to a restaurant called Ticonderoga Club. "Sure!" Bang Chan happily exclaimed wanting to stop Changbin's whining and complaining. "Ok then." We all walked to the restaurant and got seated. After a few minutes we all ordered and got our food.

Once all eight boys finished eating Minho spoke up. "Hey Felix, I'm sorry if you have to help Jeongin but you need to be home tonight, we're having a movie night." What Minho said sounded like fun but the cold tone made it sound scary. "W-what movie are we watching?" Felix asked nervously. "A scary movie." The older cat hybrid smirked. "Um...c-can Hyunjin come along?" The younger of the two brothers asked. "Why not Chan, like usual?" Minho asked with a confused expression. "Because I have plans with binnie.." Chan said. "You do?" Changbin asked the saw his boyfriend look over at Hyunjin. "Oh yea, we do! Sorry min min..." Changbin apologized, and Minho rolled his eyes. "Seungmin? Jeongin?" The two youngest shone their heads. "We gonna go do something later~"  Seungmin caressed Jeongin's back. Both Felix and Hyunjin shuddered remembering what happened last night. "Fine...but you can cling onto me if you get scared, I don't trust mr late to practice." Hyujin looked at Minho with narrow eyes. "Why don't you trust me?" Minho turned to look at the ferret boy, "Maybe because you bullied my brother then all of a sudden you're nice to him." Hyujin looked down and his hands that were in his lap. "Hey! At least he apologized!" Felix argued. "Why are you taking his side?" Minho asked. "People deserve second chances, of course you wouldn't know that because you block out any person if they do the slightest thing wrong to you!" Felix said coldly. "I do not! If I did I wouldn't be here with any of you, because trust you have all done something that I find wrong or gross!" Minho glared at his younger brother. "I'm not talking about anything like that I'm talking about if someone hurt me or made me uncomfortable you either beat the living shit out of them, or if they apologise you shut them down and tell them to leave." Felix slammed his hand on the table. "Um excuse me can we get the check?" Bang Chan asked out to a waiter who nodded. "Hey let's just calm down..." Han rubbed his boyfriend's back. "Fine, but we're gonna talk about this more before Hyunjin gets to the dorm." Minho said sitting back into his chair. Felix mouthed a thank you to Jisung who just nodded. The waiter came back with the check and Bang Chan payed the bill. They boys left and parted ways. "Now tell me Felix, why did you take his side?" Felix look at his brother. "Because he's been nice, when me and Innie were working he checked on us and made us snacks, made us take breaks..." Minho nodded, "really?" He asked his younger brother. "Yea, just give him a chance...for me." Felix pouted his lips and linked his hands together and gave his older brother puppy eyes. "Fine...only because you're begging eyes are lethal to my heart." Minho hugged his little brother, "I only shut people down who hurt you, because I love you. You know?" The older hybrid cat kissed the younger's forehead. "I know min, I love you too..." Felix hugged Minho hack. "Awww see isn't nice when we talk to each other calmly, kindly, and see one another eye to eye?" Han walked up to the brothers and joined the hug when they all heard a knock at their door. "That should be Hyunjin, Minho be kind and go get the door while me and Lixie get into some comfy pajamas." Han suggested to his boyfriend. "Ok..." Minho complied and opened the door with a cold expression. "Hey." The cat hybrid said to Hyunjin. "H-hello.." The ferret boy said nervously. "The other two are in Felix's room getting into some pajamas or something...so I guess you could help me set the living room up." Hyujin nodded and took his shoes off before fully entering the dorm.

"Ok girlie you need to look cute." Han said to me with his arms crossed. "I got it don't worry and I have something for you."

Han was wearing this

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Han was wearing this.

Felix was wearing this

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Felix was wearing this

The two shorter boys left Felix's room and Hyunjin blushed slightly and Minho smiled not noticing Hyunjin's blush. "Honey you look so nice!" Minho ran up and hugged his boyfriend and took him to their room. "What are they doing?" Hyujin walked up and hugged Felix when the two boys went into the room. "Minho is probably changing." Felix answered, Hyunjin nodded and smirked. "You're legs look nice pixie~" Felix blushed and smacked his boyfriends chest. "Sh-shut up, we're lucky I could talk Minho into giving you a chance...so don't do anything suspicious." Hyujin nodded and backed away from his boyfriend and in perfect timing because Minho and Han came out of their room.

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