Canceled Plans

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Me and Felix were in the middle of making out when my door bursted open. "Ugh I cannot stand him sometimes!" An angry Jeongin stomped into the room and plopped himself on my bed. "Um...there's this new thing called knocking you barbarian!" I pouted while Felix got off my lap to comfort Jeongin, "what's wrong innie?" Felix asked sweetly, god he's so precious! Jeongin just hugged Felix, "I'm sorry for not knocking and interrupting you two..." I went to sit on the other side of Jeongin "It's fine, just tell us what's wrong.." Jeongin nodded and started to talk "I'm feel bad, I don't know why Seungmin doesn't want" Jeongin started to blush which was my cue to leave "I'll be sleeping on the couch or I'll bunk with my brother..." I got up from my bed and left the room.

When Hyunjin left Jeongin continued "I don't know why Seungmin doesn't want to go to the next level in our relationship, am I not good enough, does my body look gross, I don't know what to do lixie!" Jeongin cried onto my shoulder "shh...Jeongin first of all you're more than enough, and second you're body is perfect just the way it is. If Seungmin doesn't see that it's his loss, but maybe he doesn't think you're ready...I think he just doesn't want to pressure you." I smiled softly and wiped away the younger's tears and hugged him "I'm sorry for interrupting you and Hyunjin.." Innie apologised. "It's are more important than sex, I'll always be here for you.." Jeongin nodded "I just wish Seungmin could use his psychology skills outside of the class..." I nodded "maybe he is, and he's just trying to talk with you...talking is a big part of psychology and relationships none the less." Jeongin sniffled and his ears folded down "I just wish we were perfect like Minho and hannie.." I look at him with wide eyes "innie trust me they are not and I mean absolutely not perfect, they argue too, but maybe not as much as you and Minnie..." the fox hybrid nodded "but why?" I smiled softly "because they communicate..." "but I don't even know how to bring up the topic and I'm too scared.." the younger said, "I don't know how to help you there, but I think if you asked Hannie or Binnie, they would be happy to help!" The younger nodded, "Thanks lix, could I sleep in here for tonight?" I nodded let me go tell Hyunjin goodnight and we can cuddle and watch Ponyo!" Jeongin hugged me and nodded "ok, thanks again lix" I smiled "anything for my favorite fox!"

Since I kicked myself out of my room I saw Seungmin walk into the kitchen, "hey bro, what's up with you and Jeongin?" He just sighed, "I honestly don't know, he's so cold whenever I ask him what's wrong, then he brings up my psychology major and storms off..." It was my turn to sigh, "bro, you're dumb!" Seungmin scoffed "how rude!" I rolled my eyes "Not book wise, socially wise! Jeongin obviously wants something!" Seungmin ears flopped down "I know but he won't tell me!" "Well tell me something..." I said, "when does Jeongin usually get like this?" Seungmin's face flushed red, "A-after we make out..." I nodded "ok, and now think about why happens after you make out." Seungmin stood there for a few minutes then his eyes went wide "shit is he really...?" I raised my eyebrows "did you figure it out?" Seungmin's face turned red again and nodded, Felix came out of my room "hey Bub...Jeongin is gonna spend the night with me, he's kinda down right now and he just wants to be with me, is that ok?" I pulled my pretty boy close, "of course, tell I said goodnight and I hope he feels better..." I kissed his cheek "ok, also he said he was sorry for interrupting us.." Felix said while petting behind my ears which felt so nice, I love when he does that. "It's ok, goodnight my beautiful pixie!" I pecked his lips, which made Seungmin's ears and tail flop a bit before he spoke up, "Felix..." Lixie looked at my brother, "hm?" Seungmin sighed, "can you tell Jeongin I said goodnight.." Felix smiled softly, "of course.." Seungmin's tail wagged a bit as he went up to the both of us and hugged us, "hug him for me too, I would ask you to kiss him but that's my job and mine only!" He huffed before letting go. "I'll hug him too don't worry!" Felix looked up at me, "hey Bubs do you have any popcorn, innie and I are gonna watch Ponyo before going to sleep." I nodded and picked him up, and walked to the cabinet that was next to the top of the fridge "now you can reach!" I smiled and Felix flicked my shoulder "I'm not that short!" Seungmin laughed "you kinda are, why do you think he calls you pixie?" Felix grumbled lowly while glaring at Seungmin "you're lucky Hyunjin is holding me!" I laughed "he's really not! I'd let you go beat him up in a heartbeat!" My joke made Felix laugh and Seungmin growl. "I got the popcorn!" Felix quickly changed the subject. I put him down and kissed his forehead, "you know how to work the tv right?" Felix nodded. "Yup!" I smiled, "Ok babyboy, I love you rest well!" Felix blushed at the nickname and placed a kiss on my cheek before pulling me down a bit so he could whisper in my ear, "I will scream your name another night~" it was my turn to blush. "Pixie~ not infront of the abstinent puppy!" Seungmin growled again "Stop being lovey dovey infront of me and go comfort my baby!" Felix rolled his eyes "puppies get jelly real quick!" Felix gave me one last hug before leaving to go back to my room and me and Seungmin went to his room.

Felix came in with some popcorn "ooo kettle corn! Gimmie!" I said while my tail hit the bed from wagging "nope." Felix smirked and i pouted, but Felix hugged me "that's from Seungmin, he said he was sorry but didn't want to intrude your space...and I would give you a smoochie smooch but apparently that's his job, L." Felix shrugged. I smiled softly "I hate him..." Felix eyes widened "how are you gonna do him like that he's pouting!" I looked at Felix, "I love him too...we're not perfect, but we're fine." I got up from to bed and went to my room.

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